土木在线论坛 \ 道路桥梁 \ 桥梁工程 \ 莫奈悬索桥


发布于:2007-06-03 14:12:03 来自:道路桥梁/桥梁工程 [复制转发]
Menai Suspension Bridge為著名蘇格蘭工程師Thomas Telfod
位於伯明漢西邊﹐近工業革命起源地Iron Bridge的Telfod便是為
Thomas Telford (born 9th August 1757, Dumfriesshire) built more than 1000 bridges, including the Menai Bridge shown here. To quote Adam Hart-Davis in his book ``Local Heroes’’:

One of [Telford’s most impressive bridges] was to get across the Menai Straits to Anglesey, 200 yards across vicious tides and deep water. The Admiralty insisted that the bridge must be high enough to let the largest ships sail below with masts erect, and he couldn’t make a timber frame to build an arch over the top, because they would not allow even a temporary obstruction. Telford designed an amazing suspension bridge, easily the longest in the world at that time. At each end he planned a massive tower, 153 feet above the high-water mark. Between them he would hang sixteen chains, and then the roadway would be built hanging from the chains, 579 feet long and 30 feet wide.
The chains were made of 9-foot links, each of thirty-six iron bars half an inch square. Would it be possible to lift these massive chains up the towers? For several nights, as tension mounted, the normally imperturbable Telford was unable to sleep. Finally, on 26 April 1825, hundreds of people on the banks watched as the chain was floated underneath on a massive raft, then winched up on cables by 150 men heaving on capstans. When it reached the top of the tower there was a colossal cheer, and three men walked high above the sea to the other tower across the 9-inch wide chain!

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  • haijunzhou
    haijunzhou 沙发
    2007-06-03 14:36:03

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  • haijunzhou
    haijunzhou 板凳
    2007-06-03 14:33:03

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项海帆教授在同济大学的讲演(节选) 改革开放以来,中国的桥梁建设以空前的规模和发展速度令世界惊叹。但是,我们匆忙建成的大桥能否给人以美感是一个值得反思的问题。本讲演以20世纪中的国际最美桥梁评选、香港特别行政区昂船洲大桥设计竞赛中的美学评估、以及作者本人心中的十座中国最美桥梁等为内容,介绍了作者对桥梁的初步美学思考,以能促进国内桥梁界在新世纪中对桥梁美学的重视。   “桥是跨越障碍的通道”。这是美国最权威的韦氏大词典对桥梁一词所下的最简短的定义。远古的人类为了狩猎、运输、迁移就需要修建原始的桥梁。今天,桥梁已和人类的生活密切相关。桥梁不仅是交通系统的重要组成部分,而且常常是一种标志性建筑物。人们希望在通过桥梁时发出一声赞叹,得到美的享受。作为一个桥梁工程师有责任在设计中重视桥梁的美学价值和景观功能,满足人们的观赏愿望。


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