土木在线论坛 \ 道路桥梁 \ 其他路桥软件 \ 谁用ANSYS建立过系杆拱桥模型?请指教


发布于:2007-12-21 09:00:21 来自:道路桥梁/其他路桥软件 [复制转发]
我在做系杆拱桥的计算,总说有错误代码如下:/COM,ANSYS RELEASE 10.0 UP20050718 17:49:23 12/05/2007

*** WARNING *** CP = 101.797 TIME= 17:54:00
Real constant 1018 referenced by at least element types 5 and 1.

*** WARNING *** CP = 101.906 TIME= 17:54:03
The program chosen initial timestep/load-factor is arbitrary. It is
necessary for the user to supply a suitable initial
timestep/load-factor through the NSUB or DELTIM command for
convergence and overall efficiency.

*** WARNING *** CP = 106.047 TIME= 17:54:10
Changing element real constants (R commands) between load steps is
generally a non-standard use of the program. Exceptions to this rule
(such as changing contact element normal stiffness) are specifically
documented in the User’s Manual.

*** WARNING *** CP = 106.047 TIME= 17:54:10
Changing material properties (MP commands) between load steps is a
non-standard use of the program.

*** WARNING *** CP = 108.453 TIME= 17:54:14
At this abort point, the single-frame restart file may not be complete.
Use multi-frame restart from the last successfully converged substep.

*** WARNING *** CP = 108.453 TIME= 17:54:14
The unconverged solution (identified as time 2 substep 999999) is
output for analysis debug purposes. Results should not be used for
any other purpose.

*** WARNING *** CP = 112.703 TIME= 17:54:19
Real constant 1018 referenced by at least element types 5 and 1.

*** WARNING *** CP = 114.875 TIME= 17:54:23
For item= AREA the component ( 9.8 ) is invalid.
The ASEL command is ignored.

*** WARNING *** CP = 115.594 TIME= 17:54:24
Changing element real constants (R commands) between load steps is
generally a non-standard use of the program. Exceptions to this rule
(such as changing contact element normal stiffness) are specifically
documented in the User’s Manual.

*** WARNING *** CP = 120.969 TIME= 17:54:32
Changing element real constants (R commands) between load steps is
generally a non-standard use of the program. Exceptions to this rule
(such as changing contact element normal stiffness) are specifically
documented in the User’s Manual.

*** WARNING *** CP = 123.047 TIME= 17:54:35
Real constant 1018 referenced by at least element types 5 and 1.

*** WARNING *** CP = 125.562 TIME= 17:54:40
Output frequency control is not allowed in an expansion pass. Only ALL
or NONE are valid.
The OUTR command is ignored.

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  • bxb503848151
    bxb503848151 沙发
    2016-02-26 12:03:26

    回复 举报
  • bxb503848151
    bxb503848151 板凳
    2016-02-26 12:01:26

    回复 举报



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