Competition entry for the Collider Activity Center
设计师:Radić Stefanović
位置:保加利亚 索菲亚
建筑师:Gojko Radić, Nataša Stefanović
设计师Radić Stefanović设计的Collider活动中心进入了比赛评选中。这次攀爬中心比赛的主题激励着设计师们创造一个具有地标性质的石林建筑。但其实这座建筑并不完全是石头做的,这些石柱被深深地插在地下,同时也向空中延伸着。这些石柱会让人联想到保加利亚那些惊人心魄的悬崖。从结构上来看,这像是一片水泥森林,不论是站在附近公园里还是行走在大街上,看这片“森林”,都会让人印象深刻。这座建筑面朝大街,与都市融为一体。它由坚固的钢筋水泥铸造,画布一般的墙面上安装有透明玻璃。建筑前摆放的柏拉图像,独特的天井前厅,还有看似敞开的攀爬大厅都吸引着游人前来观看,路上行人也纷纷驻足。登上屋顶天台,人们可以一览维托沙(Vitosha)山脚下整个都市的繁华景象。不远处的花园也在召唤着人们去探索猎奇。
The theme of the contest, climbing centre, inspired us to create a lendmark for hipotetical “Belogradchik Rocks”. Instead of being literally rocks, the form of the building volume emerges from the striking rocks column which are planted underneath the layer of earth and extend up into the open landscape. Metaphorically the column has an analogy in this natural Bulgarian lendmark and their stunning cliffs. Structurally the building can be seen as a forest of concret and light columns that provides an impressive sight from the park and from the street as well. Facing the street, building has clearly connection with urban city. Solid concrete and transparent glass facade canvas wall. Plato in front the building, attractive atrium, and visually open climbing hall attract the attention of passers-by and visitors, while formally framed park in the distance, leads them on an adventure. And a roof terrace, remarkable from the plateau, invites guests to join and experience a view, where urban landscape melts into Vitosha mountain slopes.
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