Courtesy of Studio Prototype
这栋漂亮的小建筑始建于上个世纪,坐落于荷兰戴文的一个古老村落的路边。如今已经传承至第三代了,现任屋主决定翻新整座房屋并在其背后进行扩建。 From the architect. A charming small house, built last century, stands on the old village road of the Dutch town Duiven. It has recently been passed on to the third generation of a family that is living there. The decision was made by them to thoroughly renovate the house and add a new volume on the backside. ![]()
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
新扩建的部分给原有建筑注入了现代元素。两者的体量略有改变,设计师在建筑外部增加户外活动场地,并且运用框景手法从室内将街景尽收眼底。新扩建部分在面向街道的方向采用了封闭的措施,反之在面向庭院的一侧开辟了宽敞的L形开放廊道。一个巨大的玻璃隔断和两扇滑动的玻璃门轻而易举地将庭院和室内联系在一起。烟囱部分是房顶设计的点睛之笔,它被重新设计,将采光天窗和采光井的功能结合在一件完美雕塑品上。 The new volume formulates a contemporary answer to the existing house. The volumes are slightly shifted from each other, creating a spatial play outside and a framed view towards the street side inside. The new volume functions as a closed mass on the street side, while on the garden-side the dwelling opens up by means of a spacious L-shaped veranda. A large window, with two sliding doors in it, provides the connection with the garden. The chimney is a prominent part of the roof’s shape. As such it has been reinterpreted, and is integrated with both a roof light and a light shaft in one sculptural object. ![]()
房屋新旧部分的功能完美地结合在了一起。原有建筑通过设计改造,使功能更加完善。新扩建部分的周围是一片空旷的场所。建筑采用最大化的通光设计,保证最佳的室内观感。 The functions flow seamlessly from the old to the new volume. The existing volume is updated by making several functional interventions. All spaces in the new volume are situated around a spacious void. A maximum amount of daylight is permitted here, ensuring an optimal experience of the sculptural space. ![]()
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
House W的建筑立面由红雪松条木斜向对角拼接覆盖。这些条木尽可能地细长,在原有建筑厚重的砖墙结构的衬托下更显张力。铝制结构使材料与空间之间产生了微妙的转换。对角线模式的立面保证着建筑内部的私密性,只在几个关键取景位置开放。 The façade concept of HouseW consists of diagonal directions and is translated to a timber cladding of western red cedar battens. They are as slender as possible, creating tension with the heavy brick of the existing dwelling. Aluminum profiles are used to attain subtle transitions between materials and spaces. The diagonal pattern is opened up on several strategic positions, working as a privacy screen. ![]()
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
设计师在施工执行阶段承担起了监工的作用,以保证特殊细节的建造质量。这个项目是荷兰人自建住宅项目之一,居民自己在建筑师协作下,完成室内的装修。 The architect has taken the role of master builder in the execution phase to guarantee the quality of the special detailing. The house is part of the Dutch self-build-initiative; in collaboration with the architect the inhabitants themselves finished the interior. ![]()
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
Courtesy of Studio Prototype
Floor Plan/平面图
Floor Plan/平面图
建筑事务所:Studio Prototype 项目地点:荷兰 戴文 设计团队: Jeroen Spee, Jeroen Steenvoorden 项目团队:Gijs van Suijlichem, Titus Lammertse, Jan Paulus Hoogterp, Jan van der Schaaf 项目面积:270平方米 项目年份:2013年 图片由Studio Prototype团队提供 Architects: Studio Prototype Location: Duiven, The Netherlands Design Team: Jeroen Spee, Jeroen Steenvoorden Project Team: Gijs van Suijlichem, Titus Lammertse, Jan Paulus Hoogterp, Jan van der Schaaf Area: 270.0 sqm Year: 2013 Photographs: Courtesy of Studio Prototype |
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瞭望台—首个移动艺术家住宅image © feildencleggbradley studios 英国公司feilden clegg bradley工作室中的四位毕业生最近在南部丘陵首次安装了两座移动艺术家住宅,名为“瞭望台”。这种建筑形式建立在便携的基础上,研究室和工作室也将在未来两年内在四个地点设立。建筑通过设计和功能的设定融合了建筑艺术和地形。两个小的木结构经过设计,适合用于预制旋转基地的平坦基座上,从而使艺术家或参观者通过建筑创造他们自己的视野——同时还确定了基于其朝向的彼此之间的关系。在建筑使用的可持续材料和它们之间利落的连接细节方面已经进行了详细的研究。当地生长和取材的西伯利亚落叶松与经过碳化处理的Charred Wood一起使用,从而有效地创建一个自然保护的外墙皮。建筑内部则被坚固耐用、几乎无需维护的固雅木包裹。每一个结构同时产生或收集能源——研究室通过在屋顶上使用太阳能板来制造并储存电能,工作室则储存了雨水,用于日常消耗或清洗艺术家的绘画用具。
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