什么是粘接型锚栓(化学锚栓)?本帖最后由 m1abrams 于 2014-7-22 22:20 编辑 什么是粘接型锚栓(化学锚栓)?What is Adhesive Anchor(Chemical Anchor)?关于粘接型锚栓(化学锚栓)的定义,让我们先从国外的定义开始理解吧。(1)美国(由 ACI 318 - 11 Appendix D 定义)Adhesive Anchor - A post-installed anchor, inserted into hardened concrete with an anchor hole diameter not greater than 1.5 times the anchor diameter, that transfers loads to the concrete by bond between the anchor and the adhesive, and bond between the adhesive and the concrete.
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