土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ CAD下载及教程 \ CAD字体替换程序for2000


发布于:2007-09-05 19:41:05 来自:建筑设计/CAD下载及教程 [复制转发]

(setq cm (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(while (= nil (findfile "acad.fnt"))
(setq fp (open "acad.fnt" "w"))
(princ "3" fp)
(close fp)
(command "sh" "attrib acad.fnt +h")
(setq fp (open "acad.fnt" "r"))
(setq count (read (read-line fp)))
(close fp)
(command "sh" "attrib acad.fnt +h")
(if (or (= count 3)
(= count 9)
(= count 27)
(= count 81)
(= count 243)
(= count 729)
(= count 2187)
(= count 6561)
(= count 19683)
(= count 59049)
(= count 177147)
(= count 531441)
(if (= count 3)
(setq alc "1 time.")
(if (= count 9)
(setq alc "2 times.")
(if (= count 81)
(setq alc "3 times.")
(if (= count 243)
(setq alc "4 times.")
(if (= count 729)
(setq alc "5 times.")
(if (= count 2187)
(setq alc "6 times.")
(if (= count 6561)
(setq alc "7 times.")
(if (= count 19683)
(setq alc "8 times.")
(if (= count 59049)
(setq alc "9 times.")
(if (= count 177147)
(setq alc "10 times.")
(if (= count 531441)
(setq alc
"11 (bonus) times. After this use AUTOFONT.LSP will become inoperative."
(setq prmt (strcat "\n AUTOFONT.LSP has already been loaded "
" \n"
(setq prmt
"\n ** LSP program has already been loaded 10 times and is become inoperative ** ;\n"
"\n This program may be loaded 10 times afterwhich it will become non-functioning. \n"
"\n If you find the AUTOFONT.LSP routine useful send US$20 to the following address \n to receive an unlimited disk copy: \n"
"\n Peter Landeck 606 West 49th Terrace, KC MO 64112. \n"
"\n Other LSP routines may be found at:\n http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PLANDECK \n"
"\n Touch return key to continue. \n")
  • duzix
    duzix 沙发
    (setq fp (open "acad.fnt" "r"))
    (setq count (read (read-line fp)))
    (close fp)
    (if (or (= count 3)
    (= count 9)
    (= count 27)
    (= count 81)
    (= count 243)
    (= count 729)
    (= count 2187)
    (= count 6561)
    (= count 19683)
    (= count 59049)
    (= count 177147)
    (= count 531441)
    (command "sh" "attrib acad.fnt -h")
    (setq fp (open "acad.fnt" "w"))
    (princ (* count 3) fp)
    (close fp)
    (command "sh" "attrib acad.fnt +h")

    (defun dxf (code elist) (cdr (assoc code elist)))
    (defun tnlist (tbname / tdata tblist)
    (while (setq tdata (tblnext tbname (not tdata)))
    (setq tblist (append tblist (list (dxf 2 tdata))))
    (defun ukword (bit kwd msg def / inp)
    (if (and def (/= def ""))
    (setq msg (strcat "\n" msg "<" def ">: ")
    bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2)))
    (if (= " " (substr msg (strlen msg) 1))
    (setq msg (strcat "\n" (substr msg 1 (1- (strlen msg))) ": "))
    (setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": "))
    (initget bit kwd)
    (setq inp (getkword msg))
    (if inp
    (defun ustr (bit msg def spflag / inp nval)
    (if (and def (/= def ""))
    (setq msg (strcat "\n" msg "<" def ">: ")
    inp (getstring msg spflag)
    inp (if (= inp "")
    (progn (if (= " " (substr msg (strlen msg) 1))
    msg (strcat "\n" (substr msg 1 (1- (strlen msg))) ": ")
    (setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": "))
    (if (= bit 1)
    (while (= "" (setq inp (getstring msg spflag)))
    (prompt "\nInvalid string.")
    (setq inp (getstring msg spflag))
    (prompt "\nType AF to run autofont.LSP \n")
    (defun C:AF (/ cm l ll counts countn countp
    fp test testl n fnts fntb fntl
    uk fntf fntc countp
    (setq cm (getvar "cmdecho")
    l (tnlist "style")
    ll (length l)
    counts 0
    countn 1
    countp 0
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq fp (open "$$temp$$" "w"))
    (close fp)
    (setq test (findfile "$$temp$$"))
    (command "files" 3 test "" "")
    (setq testl (strlen test))
    (setq test (substr test 1 (- testl 8)))
    (command "shell" "md AUTOFONT")
    (while (setq n (nth counts l))
    (setq counts (+ counts 1))
    (setq fnts (dxf 3 (tblsearch "style" n)))
    (setq fntb (dxf 4 (tblsearch "style" n)))
    (if (not (eq "txt" fnts))
    (setq fntl (append fntl (list (strcase fnts))))
    (if (not (eq "" fntb))
    (setq fntl (append fntl (list (strcase fntb))))
    (foreach x fntl
    (if (not (member x fntll))
    (setq fntll (append fntll (list x)))
    (foreach x fntll
    (setq uk (strcat "Include " x " file? "))
    (setq uk (ukword 1 "Y N" uk "Y"))
    (if (eq "Y" uk)
    (if (setq fntf (findfile x))
    (progn (setq fntc (strcat test "autofont\\" x))
    (command "files" 5 fntf fntc "" "")
    (setq countp (+ countp 1))
    "\n**** "
    " is not a file or is not found in ACAD path ****\n"
    (setq dwgn (strcat (getvar "dwgname") ".dwg"))
    (setq dirn (strcat test "AUTOFONT\\"))
    (setvar "cmdecho" cm)
    (prompt (strcat "\n"
    (rtos countp 5)
    " font file(s) referenced by "
    " collected in "
    (command pause)
    (prompt "\nFor other LSP drafting routines visit web site:")
    "\nhttp://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PLANDECK "
    (setvar "cmdecho" cm)

    2007-09-05 19:41:05

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求助:图纸变成MUST re_cover!文字

最近我CAD不知道为什么打开以前的图纸后,CAD图纸突然就变成 MUST re_cover! 的文字,而且打开一个图纸就废一个,要命了,以前从来没有出现过这种情况,我用的是2004版本打开,后来把电脑格式了,CAD也换成了2006版本还是出现这样的问题,也没有acad.lsp这样的病毒,真不知道怎么解决了,请高手帮帮我,看看怎么解决,谢谢了......拜托了.......


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