Her long tongue’s like a flight of stairs,
Which leads to miserable cares.
而’垂带而厉’一语中之厉字为雅致之意,该句可译为:They hang girdles elegantly down.又’厉声而言’一语中之厉字则为粗意,该句可译为:He speaks in harsh tone of voice.俗语’苦船’乃晕船之意,例如说,某女士容易犯苦船之病,可英译为:She is a bad sailor.或译为:She is always sick on board.曹操’短歌行’云: ’对酒当歌,人生几何?譬如朝露,去日苦多。 ’这首诗最后一句那个苦字,翻译起来是颇费思考的,兹录曼殊上人’三昧集’中此诗之英译如下:
Here is wine, let’s sing;
For man’s life is short,
Like the morning dew,
It’s best days gone by.
关于望文生义而误解字词的情形,多发生在疏忽习语,俗语,和典故的原意,翻译时如遇没有把握的字词应多查阅字典。例如:"What a yellow dog!"此句中之yellow dog意指流氓或无赖,并非黄狗。又如:"a white elephant"意指某人大而无用,并非白象。又如He got a green bonnet after his marriage.’’此句中的"a green bonnet"意指一败涂地或一筹莫展,并非绿帽子。此句如译为:’他婚后戴上了绿帽子。’岂不笑话。
He was too moral, to be moralistic, too pure to be puritanic, too broadly human to be all-too-human, too consistently moderate to be immoderate even in the virtue of moderateness.
--The Real Confucius
Only when you are sick of your sickness will you cease to be sick. The sage is never sick, because he is sick of his sickness. This is why he is not sick.
On Sunday morning while church bells rang in the villages along-shore, the world and its mistress returned to Gatsby’s house and twinkled hilariously on his lawn.
--F. Lq. Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby"
(礼拜天的早晨,当教堂钟声在沿岸村落响起,男男女女回盖兹此家来,在他家草地上,欢欣鼓舞地闪来闪去。)句中"the world and its mistress"一片语,意指’男男女女’,如直译文字表面含义或其他文意,均属不妥。
关于我国语文文言虚字甚多,不易翻译。如遇惊叹意义之虚字不难译出,例如’子兮,子兮!’ (语体文意:’天呀,天呀!’)可英译为:"Oh dear,oh dear!"但是大部份的虚字不可勉强译出。我国语文的连接词亦然,例如: ’子于是日哭,则不歌。’其中连接词’则’字,整句英译后便隐没于句构中, "On a day on which Confucius had been weeping, he did not sing."此乃英文句构与中文句构不同之处。
辨别歧义 错误!嵌入对象无效。
中文里有许多富有想象力的形象语汇,可以说是不能用英文直译出来的。例如『一团和气』的『团』字如果译成英文" one lump harmonious spirit’颇为荒谬,尤其,其中"lump’,一字更为荒唐。此语是说大家『相处和睦』"living in har-mony"或者是说大家『感情融洽』"harmonizing in feeling" 之意。注意以下各片语带有引号的字是不能直译的,只能意译,也有的不必勉强译出。
1. 一『弯』溪水streaming in winding
2. 一『钩』新月a crescent or a crescent moon
3. 一『棵』小草a new blade or grass
4. 一『股』勇气to be sudden in courage
5. 一『场』美梦a waking dream
6. 一『门』亲事engagement or marriage
7. 一『叶』扁舟an open boat
1. I didn’t see Joseph,but my sister did. (did=saw him=saw Joseph)
2. Everything has its own life just as a man has his own.
诸如下列习语或俗语中的 "it"不能译为『它』:
fight it out 打到底
blow it 混蛋
catch it 认命
lord it over 逞威风
Hook it! 逃呀!
Go it while you are young. 少壮当努力!
cab it 坐车去
foot it 走路去
In a lilac sunglasses she was it. 戴上紫色太阳镜她美极了
双关语与同音异义字都是发音相同而意义不同的文字所组成的语言,往往不会只有一个意义,都是两个意义以上,常无从以另一种语言来代替,故不可勉强译出。如用解释法译出,也会使得译文远不如原文之意趣。例如,在中国俗语中常听到的一句话:『外甥打灯笼照舅。』其中『照舅』二字意谓[照旧』,即照原来样子而没有改变之意趣。如将此俗语译为:"The nephew-in-law took a paper lantern to lead the way for his uncle-in-law."这样的译文不仅未能译出原文的意趣,而且根本就有点不伦不类。如果用解释法译为:"All the things are unchanged;nothing better,nothing worse.",这样的译文虽接近原文的意思,但尽失原文刻意造成的语言趣味。
又如英美男士常喜欢对其很熟悉的女士开玩笑说"Oh,you look like a queen today!"此语"queen",一字另有一同音而拼法不同的字,即"quean"乃荡妇之意。当讲这句话时,乃是在讽刺对方今天衣着或体态俨然一荡妇也,意即不高贵。当对方无疑有他,而以为是在夸讲她有女王般高贵时,如将讽意之"quean"一字拼给她听,必然使之激怒或羞报无以言对,而达成语言上开玩笑的意趣。
2. 廻文诗文
廻文诗文乃是一种游戏诗文,旨在增加语言特性的表现美,尤其中国文字乃是方块文宇(character) ,如拼成图形,更是无法翻译。英文里的廻文句是自两端向中央对称的,即是以此一句的中央一个字母为中心向左向右均有相同的几个字母组成一个完整的句子。例如"Able was I ere I saw Elba."一语以r为中心点,向左向右各有相同的九个字母。又如"Was it a cat I saw?’,一语以c为中心点,向左向右各有相同的六个字母。像这类的句子虽然可以直译为中文,但译成中文后必然是未能表达原句的语言意趣,可谓索然寡味。
错Harriet was trembling with excitement. As it was her first airplane ride.
对As it was her first airplane ride, Harriet was trembling with excitement.
错My father’s name is Martin and has been a life-long resident here.
对My father’s name is Martin and he has been a life-long resident here.
(2)不完整的句子(The Fragment)
错As he comes in each morning, glancing keenly
about at the clerk in the out office.
对As he comes in each morning, glancing keenly
about at the clerk in the out office. he struts like a turkey-cock.
(3)逗点造成语意割裂的错误(The Comma Splice)
错He left early, he said he had a toothache.
对He left early. He said he had a toothache.
错We find we save money living in the country,moreover, we like the country life.
对We find we save money living in the country;moreover, we like the country life.
(1)否定副词起头的句子可以用倒置句法(Inversion) ,但不倒置亦可。倒置句法主要的目的是在加强语势(Emphasis)。此句可不倒置为:We had scarcely gone on shore when the hurricane began to blow.
(2)此句可以用倒置句法:No sooner has the day broken than he gels up to study.
翻译的实际是指研习翻译者着手翻译而言,下面这些实例包括各种文词上具有代表性的练习功能,有英译中者,亦有中译英者,但均有中英对照,并加注释,以利读者参考。当然,一个句子可有几种翻译,这里文句仅举一种译文(Version)其他由读者自己去构思,以收练习之效。 1. For true education goes far beyond facts. It means more than (1) classrooms and lectures and examinations Education also means experience and faith, courage and understanding. Most of all it means the ability to think and act. These are the qualities which translate dead knowledge into living wisdom. They are what make our "guesses"(2) turn out to be right.
全部回复(16 )
只看楼主 我来说两句一个国家的语文因其历史渊源及民族特性而有异,不管就文字、句型、习惯用法等,在翻译上想要达到完全表达的对译几乎是难以办到的事,有许多根本是译不出来的地方,如果勉强译出来必然闹笑话。在这种情形意译能表达其原意八九分已算勉为其难达到翻译的功能,因为在这种情形之下如果弃而不译,翻译的功能岂不尽失。这里要讨论的就是极难译出的具有中国语文特性的文字或语句。
中文里有许多富有想象力的形象语汇,可以说是不能用英文直译出来的。例如『一团和气』的『团』字如果译成英文" one lump harmonious spirit’颇为荒谬,尤其,其中"lump’,一字更为荒唐。此语是说大家『相处和睦』"living in har-mony"或者是说大家『感情融洽』"harmonizing in feeling" 之意。注意以下各片语带有引号的字是不能直译的,只能意译,也有的不必勉强译出。
1. 一『弯』溪水streaming in winding
2. 一『钩』新月a crescent or a crescent moon
3. 一『棵』小草a new blade or grass
4. 一『股』勇气to be sudden in courage
5. 一『场』美梦a waking dream
6. 一『门』亲事engagement or marriage
7. 一『叶』扁舟an open boat
英文中多用代名词来代替前面提及的名词,以避免重复;同样的,用代动词来代替前面用到的动词,以避免重复。这种情形在中文就宁可重复使用前面已提经及的或用到过的文字,以使表达更为清楚流畅。还有英文代名词"it"一字,在翻译时决不可随便译为『它』。例如说:"Beat it"不可以译为『打它』。此语乃一习语,意即『滚开!』诸如此类用"it"组成的习语很多,不可轻意把"it"’译为『它』。以下所举各例特别注意斜体的字。
1. I didn’t see Joseph,but my sister did. (did=saw him=saw Joseph)
2. Everything has its own life just as a man has his own.
诸如下列习语或俗语中的 "it"不能译为『它』:
fight it out 打到底
blow it 混蛋
catch it 认命
lord it over 逞威风
Hook it! 逃呀!
Go it while you are young. 少壮当努力!
cab it 坐车去
foot it 走路去
In a lilac sunglasses she was it. 戴上紫色太阳镜她美极了
三、无从对译灼双关语(pun),同音义异字(homonym),廻文诗文(palindrome)等,绝不可勉强译出。此类文字如用解释法译出则失去原文简洁有力的暗示作用或讽刺意趣,诚 如严又陵曰:『顾信矣不达,译犹未译也』兹就这类文字列举数例于后:
1. 双关语与同音异义字:
双关语与同音异义字都是发音相同而意义不同的文字所组成的语言,往往不会只有一个意义,都是两个意义以上,常无从以另一种语言来代替,故不可勉强译出。如用解释法译出,也会使得译文远不如原文之意趣。例如,在中国俗语中常听到的一句话:『外甥打灯笼照舅。』其中『照舅』二字意谓[照旧』,即照原来样子而没有改变之意趣。如将此俗语译为:"The nephew-in-law took a paper lantern to lead the way for his uncle-in-law."这样的译文不仅未能译出原文的意趣,而且根本就有点不伦不类。如果用解释法译为:"All the things are unchanged;nothing better,nothing worse.",这样的译文虽接近原文的意思,但尽失原文刻意造成的语言趣味。
又如英美男士常喜欢对其很熟悉的女士开玩笑说"Oh,you look like a queen today!"此语"queen",一字另有一同音而拼法不同的字,即"quean"乃荡妇之意。当讲这句话时,乃是在讽刺对方今天衣着或体态俨然一荡妇也,意即不高贵。当对方无疑有他,而以为是在夸讲她有女王般高贵时,如将讽意之"quean"一字拼给她听,必然使之激怒或羞报无以言对,而达成语言上开玩笑的意趣。
2. 廻文诗文
廻文诗文乃是一种游戏诗文,旨在增加语言特性的表现美,尤其中国文字乃是方块文宇(character) ,如拼成图形,更是无法翻译。英文里的廻文句是自两端向中央对称的,即是以此一句的中央一个字母为中心向左向右均有相同的几个字母组成一个完整的句子。例如"Able was I ere I saw Elba."一语以r为中心点,向左向右各有相同的九个字母。又如"Was it a cat I saw?’,一语以c为中心点,向左向右各有相同的六个字母。像这类的句子虽然可以直译为中文,但译成中文后必然是未能表达原句的语言意趣,可谓索然寡味。
回复 举报
避免句构犯错(Sentence Errors to Be Avoided)
(1)不合理的附属子句(Illogical Dependent Clauses)
错Harriet was trembling with excitement. As it was her first airplane ride.
对As it was her first airplane ride, Harriet was trembling with excitement.
错My father’s name is Martin and has been a life-long resident here.
对My father’s name is Martin and he has been a life-long resident here.
(2)不完整的句子(The Fragment)
错As he comes in each morning, glancing keenly
about at the clerk in the out office.
对As he comes in each morning, glancing keenly
about at the clerk in the out office. he struts like a turkey-cock.
(3)逗点造成语意割裂的错误(The Comma Splice)
错He left early, he said he had a toothache.
对He left early. He said he had a toothache.
错We find we save money living in the country,moreover, we like the country life.
对We find we save money living in the country;moreover, we like the country life.
(1)否定副词起头的句子可以用倒置句法(Inversion) ,但不倒置亦可。倒置句法主要的目的是在加强语势(Emphasis)。此句可不倒置为:We had scarcely gone on shore when the hurricane began to blow.
(2)此句可以用倒置句法:No sooner has the day broken than he gels up to study.
回复 举报