冲压模具常用词汇英文对照我们在模具行业工作久了,可能也常要和一些模具单词打交道,比如说你想用CAD作个二次开发,就会要用到图层,而对应到模具中,就要用到这些英文模具词汇,例如你想新建一个下模板层,这时你就会想到用DIE这个名字来命名这个图层,我们常用的presscad就是这样命名的!下面为模具零件及相关:stamping, press冲压 punch press, dieing out press冲床 uncoiler & strainghtener整平机 feeder送料机 rack, shelf, stack料架 cylinder油缸 robot机械手 taker取料机 conveyer belt输送带 transmission rack输送架 top stop上死点 bottom stop下死点 one stroke一行程 inch寸动 to continue, cont.连动 to grip(material)吸料 location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块 reset复位 smoothly顺利 dent压痕 scratch刮伤 deformation变形 filings铁削 to draw holes抽孔 inquiry, search for查寻 to stock, storage, in stock库存 receive领取 approval examine and verify审核 processing, to process加工 delivery, to deliver 交货 to return delivenry to .to send delinery back to retrn of goods退货 registration登记 registration card登记卡 to control管制 to put forward and hand in提报 safe stock安全库存 acceptance = receive验收 to notice通知 application form for purchase请购单 consume, consumption消耗 to fill in填写 abrasion磨损 reverse angle = chamfer倒角 character die字模 to collect, to gather收集 failure, trouble故障 statistics统计 demand and supply需求 career card履历卡 to take apart a die卸下模具 to load a die装上模具 to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓 to looser a bolt拧松螺栓 to move away a die plate移走模板 easily damaged parts易损件 standard parts标准件 breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂 to lubricate润滑 common vocabulary for die engineering
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