土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑资料库 \ 峰丛石山的岩溶作用及生态环境元素迁移


发布于:2011-03-03 10:34:03 来自:建筑设计/建筑资料库 [复制转发]
Fengcong stone mountain environments in the karst areas of southwest China,about 500,000 km2 , are very fragile. Now Chinese governments face up to theproblems to stop the deforestation tendency, rebuild forest environments and helpthe local people take off poverty. This paper picked up some typical areas, such asNongla in Mashan county, the karst experimental site in Guilin, Shidie in Xinchengcounty, Guangxi autonomous region and Puding, Maolan in Guizhou province, forfield investigations, surveys and collecting samples for experimental analyses in thelaboratory. On the basis of former research results and by means of the systematicanalysis, the karst processes, elemental migration law and the ecological effectsin the fengcong karst areas are approached.The humid and warm monsoon climate and the carbonate rock uplift make thefengcong stone moutain system far away from equilibrium. So there usually arestrong karst processes in the CO2-water-carbonate rock system. Passing through afengcong depression system, the rainwater with low Ca2+ content(less than 5mg/l) becomes rich in Ca2+ up to 70-110 mg/l only in Several hours. The solutionrate in Guilin fengcong area is 91.21 m3/km2·a. Such rapid and strong solutionprocesses not only promote the formation of both deep epikarst zone and themacroscopic tower or cone stone peak landforms, but also result in the rare soil andbare rocks. However, the solution rate is different in different geomorphologicpositions, hydrodynamic zones and ecological environments. For differentgeomorphologic positions, there is the highest solution rate on the bottom ofdepression, the second highest in the saddle between peaks, the third highest on the top of peaks and the lowest on the steep slope of peaks. For differenthydrodynamic zones, the solution rate is high in the epikarst of vadose zone andgoes down quickly with increase of depth. The karst processes in saturation zoneoccur in the rock near flow water in karst conduit. The quiet water only can lead aweak solution process. The evident differential solution is very important forChinese marvellous fengcong karst landforms. It is also a key factor to understandthe development and evolution of the fengcong stone mountains.The cycle of CO2-water-calcium in the karst dynamic system can drive theelement migration of the karst environments. Under the strong karst dynamicconditions, a forward element migration happens with dissolution of the carbonaterocks, and the temporary hardness of the karst spring water usually is 11-15 Germandegree. But under the dense forest at Nongla, the highest temporary hardness canreach up to 18.9 German degree, and the insoluble Fe, Si, Al, P and Mn can also bepartly dissolved into karst water. If some carbon dioxide escapes from the karst water,a backward element migration happens with the deposition of calcium carbonate.With the element migration, the fengcong karst areas become calcium-rich and a littlealkaline geochemical environments. For example, there are calcareous soil which itschemical composition has a close relation with the karst processes, high hardnesskarst water, and enriched calcium trees.The geochemical background of rocks has an important role in the elementmigration of the environments. In dolomite areas, there is a complete soil profilestructure(from D, C, B to A) on the gentle slope of mountain. And below B layer,there is a general law that main consituents and some trace elements increase with thedepth, which show that the soil is the monochronogenous soil and is leached andweathered gradually. However, no C layer and the gradual change law of elements isin the limestone soil profiles. There are relative abundant background value of traceelements in the argillaceous and silicaeous dolomite of the Donggangling Group ofDevonia in Nongla, which, with element migration, results in the relative highmineral nutritious elements in water, soil and vegetation.The special element migration law in fengcong stone mountains results in thekarst geological ecology. The vegetation is characterized by calciphile, xerophyte andlithophyte. And the species is quite different in different geological regions. Somespecial karst areas, such as Nongla in Guangxi, have enough mineral nutritiouselements for promoting development of species diversity. There are a lot of good fruits and precious herbs in Nongla, which help the local people take off their poverty.



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尽可能依据概率和可靠度理论开展设计是结构工程行业的必然要求,因为这样,才能使设计的结构既经济合理又安全可靠。随着高层和超高层钢结构的广泛应用,结构“柔”的问题愈显突出,研究这类结构的抗风和抗震可靠性及其振动控制,在理论上要面临很大挑战,经济上将会产生巨大效益。 本文研究高层建筑带支撑钢框架结构抗风抗震的非线性可靠度问题。首先,基于M.F.Giberson单分量模型推导出可考虑二阶效应,材料非线性及剪切变形的杆单元刚度矩阵;详细研究了节点区的受力变形特性后,把节点区变形的影响纳入到以上单元刚度矩阵中;利用杆系——层间模型,并通过直接刚度法建立了结构非线性振动方程,这一方程是迄今最完备且适用的高层钢结构动力方程。其次,在结构抗风随机动力分析的基础上,本文研究了抗风结构基于安全性和舒适性的可靠度适用算法;首次对安全可靠度和舒适可靠度进行对比研究,算例表明,就这两种可靠度而言,高层钢结构往往较易满足安全可靠度,但却较难满足舒适可靠度;舒适可靠度通常不被设计者关注,但却影响建筑的正常使用。再其次,本文严密推导了高层钢结构浅水TLD控制的计算理论,详细地分析研究了TLD各参数对控制减振效果的影响,并提出了TLD的优化设计方法,基于大量的数值分析,建议了TLD参数的适用取值范围;结合算例研究表明,TLD是经济有效的抗风控制装置。最后,针对现行抗震结构设计方法,本文建议高层钢结构抗震检验重点应放在“中震可修、大震不倒”方面;提出了结构屈服后整体刚度系数α与其相应的位移延伸率μ的关系式;采用等效线性化法推导出了结构随机地震反应的计算公式;以层间位移角极限为首次超越破坏机制的临界值,推导了结构抗震可靠度的计算公式;结合算例研究表明,二阶效应和场地类别对结构抗震可靠度具有显著影响。 本文开展的研究密切结合现行规范,所使用的有关参数均按规范取值,算例富有代表性且具实际工程背景,因而研究成果具有理论意义和工程实际意义。


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