土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑资料库 \ 城市轨道交通能馈式牵引供电系统故障诊断及保护方法研究


发布于:2011-02-16 21:45:16 来自:建筑设计/建筑资料库 [复制转发]
对城轨牵引供电系统进行故障诊断和保护的主要目的,是在最大程度上保障其供电的可靠性和连续性,缩短系统的停电维修时间。能馈式牵引供电系统作为一种新型的城轨牵引供电系统在国内外尚无应用先例,因而其故障诊断和保护方法上的研究成果较少。本文深入分析了能馈式牵引供电系统的故障诊断和保护方法与现有方法之间的区别,在此基础上对下列三个方面进行了研究:在能馈式牵引供电装置的主回路故障诊断方面,本文研究了大功率PWM整流器主回路故障的电流特征和电压特征,分析了二者的成因,并给出了电流故障特征存在的临界条件及其影响因素的作用规律。文中基于大功率PWM整流器在故障特征上的特殊性,使用标幺化均值分别对其电流故障特征和电压故障特征进行辨识,在城轨牵引供电的复杂工况下实现了对大功率PWM整流器主回路故障器件的准确诊断。在牵引供电系统电网故障元件的定位方面,本文将面向对象的有色Petri网理论(OOCPN)应用于城轨牵引供电系统的结线分析过程,建立了城轨牵引供电系统结线分析的OOCPN模型,并在模型的各令牌中引入了成员属性和成员方法的概念以全面描述结线分析和故障域产生的整个过程。文中结合保护信息对OOCPN模型得到的故障域进行反向推理搜索,最终在城轨牵引供电系统中实现了电网故障模式的识别、故障元件的定位以及对直流开关的误动和拒动情况的评价。在牵引变电所内的直流保护方面,本文分析了能馈式牵引供电系统与传统牵引供电系统在短路特性上的差别,并研究了能馈式牵引供电系统对牵引变电所内的直流保护功能提出的新要求。文中在此基础上深入研究了能馈式牵引变电所直流保护系统的设置原则、整定方法以及动作配合关系,提出了所内直流保护系统各组成部分的详细配置方案。最后,本文基于分层分布的思想构建了能馈式牵引供电系统的综合自动化体系,研究了上述三个方面的成果在综合自动化系统中的实现问题,并提出了一种基于以太网和虚拟仪器技术的主监控单元综合监控软件设计方案。本文的研究成果填补了城轨能馈式牵引供电系统故障诊断和保护方法上的研究空白,在提高城轨牵引供电系统的综合自动化水平方面将起到积极作用 电加热器The
aim for fault diagnosis and protection of supply system in mass transit is to guarantee the reliability and continuity of the supply system at the most degree, and to reduce the time for repairment with power off. As a novel supply system in mass transit, the world has seen no energy-fed supply system, and the fault diagnosis and protection of it has not been widely and deeply studied. Based on the difference between the fault diagnosis and protection of energy-fed supply system and the conventional supply system, this paper features the study on the following three aspects:On the fault diagnosis of the main circuit of energy-fed supply set, this paper deals with the current and voltage characteristics of large-capacity PWM rectifier, as well as the origin of them, and critical conditions and influencing factors of the current fault characteristic. Based on the peculiarity of the fault characteristics of large-capacity PWM rectifier, this paper proposes the adoption of normalized average for the recognition of its current and voltage fault characteristics, and which is proven to be effective against a complex background from the load in mass transit.On the location of element with fault inside the supply system, this paper applies the theory of Object-oriented Colored Petri-Nets (OOCPN) into the field of topology analysis of supply system in mass transit, and builds an OOCPN model for the topology analysis thereafter. By introducing member attributes and methods into the token of OOCPN, a comprehensive representation of the node from topology analysis is achieved, which is also the case with the production of fault region. By backward reasoning of the fault region, it is made real the recognition of the fault mode in the grid, the location of the element with fault, as well as the judgment of the mis-tripping and error-tripping of DC breakers.On the DC protection configuration inside a substation, it is analyzed the difference of short-circuit characteristics between energy-fed supply system and conventional supply system, as well as the new requirements asserted by the former one on DC protection configuration. Based on the conclusion from the stage above, this paper studies on the configuration principle, the setting criteria and the action coordination and sequence of the DC protection system, and finally comes up with a detailed configuration structure of it.Finally, the integrated automation system of energy-fed supply system is designed, out of the concept of hierarchical and distributed structure, and oriented to the realization of the achievements from the three aspects above. It is also proposed a novel comprehensive monitoring and control platform in the central unit inside a substation, developed with Ethernet and virtual instrument technology.The results from the study introduced in this paper fill the gaps in the fault diagnosis and protection of energy-fed supply system, and will act as an effective promotion for the automation level of supply system in mass transi

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只看楼主 我来说两句抢地板
  • y1901
    y1901 沙发
    谢楼主,好资料 。
    2017-10-07 10:55:07

    回复 举报
  • changjunjie
    changjunjie 板凳
    2011-02-17 21:37:17

    回复 举报



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【摘要】 城市轨道交通牵引供电系统用于为城轨车辆提供电能。当前世界各国城市轨道交通牵引供电系统仍采用传统的多脉波二极管整流方式,其具有结构简单、可靠性高、易于维护等优点,但是由于其能量只能单向传输,无法回收列车多余的再生制动能量,造成能量的极大浪费。本文提出一种基于大功率PWM整流器和二极管整流器的新型能馈式牵引供电变流系统方案,充分利用二者的优点,在保证系统良好的节能效果和直流电压稳定性的基础上,使系统具有较高的可靠性和性价比。文中对新型能馈式牵引供电变流系统主电路及控制的关键技术展开研究,并通过大量的仿真和实验进行了验证。首先,对PWM整流机组主电路及优化进行研究。以大容量、低谐波、模块化、高可靠性为目标进行主电路拓扑选择,得到一种基于隔离型多重化拓扑的无环流PWM整流机组主电路方案。提出了一种利用变压器漏感替代交流电感的系统优化方案,分析了变压器一二次侧不同连接方式对PWM整流器控制的影响,给出了“一次侧控制模式”和“二次侧控制模式”两种不同的PWM整流器控制模式。基于多重化谐波抵消机理,分析了多绕组变压器二次侧连接方式对谐波抵消效果的影响,并得出采用相同连接方式有利于谐波抵消的结论。其次,对基于器件级并联的单变流器扩容技术进行研究。将器件级并联分为IGBT直接并联和智能功率模块并联两个层面展开论述。分析了影响IGBT直接并联均流效果的主要因素,并给出了相应的解决措施。提出一种新的基于智能功率模块并联的单变流器扩容方案,并对其存在的动态环流问题进行了重点研究。在深入分析动态环流产生机理及影响因素的基础上,提出一种利用差模电抗抑制动态环流的解决方案,并借助仿真和实验进行了验证。第三,对PWM整流器多重化串并联控制进行研究。介绍了PWM整流器基于dq旋转坐标系的数学模型和控制方法。分析了基于电压源和电流源模型的串并联控制方案的工作原理和优缺点,提出了一种基于功率源模型的串并联控制方案,解决了多变流器复杂系统的串并联控制问题,并大大简化了控制系统结构。第四,对新型能馈式牵引供电的协调控制策略进行研究。分析了现有二极管整流机组的输出特性,给出了PWM整流机组下垂特性的两种实现方法——“减弱电压环控制”和“输出电流前馈控制”。建立了包含供电站、线路和列车的牵引供电系统简化模型,给出了供电站优化控制目标,提出三种典型的协调控制策略,并对各自的工作机理及优缺点进行了对比分析。搭建了基于二极管整流机组和PWM整流机组的新型能馈式牵引供电变流系统仿真模型,对三种典型的协调控制策略进行了仿真验证。最后,搭建了基于2MW能馈式牵引供电变流器样机的实验系统,分别进行了对拖实验、串并联实验、输出特性实验等多种实验。通过对大量实验波形、测量数据的分析和总结,验证了本文提出的主电路拓扑和控制策略的可行性,以及理论分析的正确性。


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