化学锚栓以有植筋在美国惹下了许多麻烦,其中最著名的化学锚栓的事故是波士顿BIGDIG隧道中的脱落事故。相关的公司对受害都进行了天文数字的赔偿。也许在中国死个个把人,不会赔偿多少钱,所以在中国大家都在放心地使用,根本不会去考虑化学锚栓或是植筋所固有的风险。 POST-INSTALLED ADHESIVE ANCHORS[后锚固用粘接型锚栓(化学锚栓)] One needs to be aware that there have been several revisions to adhesive anchor testing requirements within the last year, and manufacturers may not have tested their products to the more recent revisions. At the time of the preparation of this guide, only a few manufacturers are believed to meet current AC308 standards. Use only the most recent test results.
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