*As corrected for point of operation (location on fan curve)
**Unsilenced Inlet and Outlet power ratings are 3 dB lower than total fan power levels under the assumption that "half" of the sound power
can be attributed to each opening. Silenced power ratings include this 3 dB reduction as well as the silencer attenuation.
Estimated Sound Pressure Levels Expressed in dB (pressure levels reference 2x10-7 microbar)
Directivity/Reflection Factor (Q) is 2, hemispherical radiation; Distance is 8 ft.; A-weighting is in use.
The estimated sound pressure level outside the fan due to an open inlet OR outlet is 78.0 dBA at 8.0 feet. The
estimated sound pressure level outside the fan when BOTH inlet and outlet are ducted is 68.0 dBA at 8.0 feet
(Housing Radiated Noise).
全部回复(1 )
只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳** unsilenced 进出口电源额定值是 3 分贝低于总风机功率级别下,假设声功率的"半"
可以归功于每个开放。 沉默的电源额定值包括这 3 分贝减少,以及消声器衰减。
估计声音压力水平表达分贝 (压力水平参考 microbar 2 x 10-7)
指向性/思考因素 (Q) 是 2,半球辐射 ; 距离是 8 英尺。 ; A 加权正在使用中。
估计的声压级别以外风扇由于一个开放的进口或出口是 78.0 dBA 8.0 脚下。 在
估计外,风扇声压级时惠及入口端和出口管道是 8.0 脚下 68.0 分贝
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