简洁紧凑住宅公寓平面图 该合作社是基于90年代圣玛尔塔Hermitage周围的城市化而出现的住宅小区之一,毗邻Monte de Conxo。在目前的城市规划中,住宅使用的建筑是在u型的开放街区中开发的,包括私人使用的内部庭院。 The Cooperative is based on one of the plots of the residential estate that emerged in the 90s from the urbanization of the surroundings of Santa Marta′s Hermitage, next to Monte de Conxo. In the ordination proposed by the current urban planning, the buildings for residential use are developed in open blocks in a U-shape embracing inner courtyards for private use.
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢沙发