土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 园林景观效果图 \ 吉隆坡“无尽之窗”艺术装置


发布于:2024-05-22 13:35:22 来自:园林景观/园林景观效果图 [复制转发]


 ‘Endless Frames’ imagines a cavern-like tunnel which references traditional Chinese wooden door and window frames—acting as a time tunnel, where the context of Kwai Chai Hong lends itself to the historical background for this piece. It reflects on the heritage of our past.




Similarly, its ghost-like appearance projects an ambiguity in the future we are heading to—a small commentary on needing to preserve our cultural heritage in a rapidly changing world.


Project Name: Endless Frames

Artist: Pamela Tan -Poh Sin Studio

Company Name: Poh Sin Studio

Website: https://www.instagram.com/pohsin_studio/

Project Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Photo Credits: Annice Lyn, Aaron Wong, Ewyn Shum

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通往第二个地球的传送工具 | Passage to TOI-700 d

艺术家丹尼尔·谢(Daniel Shieh)展示了“通往TOI-700 d的通道”,他将其描述为通往第二个地球的传送工具。在纽约的苏格拉底雕塑公园內,一道朝天的阶梯指向一个异世界的落日,隐喻美国现代对于外太空探索的向往相较于十九世纪西部拓荒的热潮。 Artist Daniel Shieh presents ‘Passage to TOI-700 d’, which he describes as a portal to a second Earth. It appears as a stairway leading into an alien sunset, evoking the American romantic perception of space as the new Wild West.


经验值 +10