艺术家丹尼尔·谢(Daniel Shieh)展示了“通往TOI-700 d的通道”,他将其描述为通往第二个地球的传送工具。在纽约的苏格拉底雕塑公园內,一道朝天的阶梯指向一个异世界的落日,隐喻美国现代对于外太空探索的向往相较于十九世纪西部拓荒的热潮。
Artist Daniel Shieh presents ‘Passage to TOI-700 d’, which he describes as a portal to a second Earth. It appears as a stairway leading into an alien sunset, evoking the American romantic perception of space as the new Wild West.
The sculpture takes its title from the name of a recently discovered Earth-sized planet with conditions that scientists estimate may be potentially habitable to humans, given the theoretical compatibility of water. The portal's futurist aesthetic points to the science fiction trope of the human search for life on another planet as a necessary outcome of environmental degradation on Earth. Ironically placed in a public park, the sculpture also calls into question the accessibility of space travel.
此作品位于苏格拉底雕塑公园秋季最新展览【沉没或者游泳:气候未来】。今年,此展览邀请了艺术家们探讨环境现况以及地球面临的挑战。Daniel Shieh的作品将“阳光”和“蓝天”作为理想宜居环境的标志。
This project is presented in the newest exhibition at Socrates Sculpture Park (Queens, NYC) titled SINK OR SWIM: CLIMATE FUTURES. This year, Socrates asked artists to consider the present-day ecological conditions and challenges that our globe faces. Shieh's sculpture presents ‘sunlight’ and ‘blue skies’ as indicators of a utopian, habitable environment.
He began the project by researching artificial skylights used in retail and healthcare spaces and created his own version of an artificial sunset with epoxy resin. Through computer modeling and 3D-printed prototypes, he developed the precise measurements that were required to create an illusion of a boundless afternoon sky. The project was built on site over three months at Socrates Sculpture Park with laser-cut steel, mirrors, and resin.
As viewers encounter this structure at Socrates Sculpture Park, the allure of another world awaits at the end of the tunnel. But the question of access is now brought forward. Space travel is extremely selective and exclusive. In this romantic idea of a second earth, who won't be able to live there? In front of this stairway, you must choose your actions: Do you follow your desire to enter the new world? Or question this desire, and search for a way to decolonize our interplanetary future? ”concludes Shieh.
项目名称:通往TOI-700 d(新世界)的通道
公司名称:Daniel Shieh
建筑面积(m2):10 m2
图片来源:Peter Kubilus,Audrey Melton
返回版块24.66 万条内容 · 160 人订阅
让金属拥有生命 | Anthony Howe最全风动雕塑欣赏△Anthony Howe Anthony Howe,1954 年出生于美国犹他州盐湖城,先后就读于塔夫脱学校、康奈尔大学以及斯科希根雕塑与绘画学院。起初举办过几场个人画展, 但他一直渴望在他的作品中有一些更有活力的东西,后在架设钢架的兼职工作中发现了新的创作媒介——金属,从此便开启了他从绘画转向制作风动雕塑的转型之路。
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