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树林里的飞机 | 12岁小女孩的梦想之屋

发布于:2024-05-21 15:41:21 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]

Hello Wood是一家总部位于布达佩斯的建筑公司,该公司以设计出独特的Rocks度假村、亲和的建筑和小屋而闻名,包括极简主义的Kabinka、“外星”的Pebble pod或高空的Wauhaus,该公司这次设计并建造了一个最迷人、最古怪的小房子。

Based on the ideas of its client, Hello Wood, a Budapest-based architecture firm, well known for the unique Rocks resort, its lovable buildings, and cabins - including the minimalist Kabinka, the ‘extraterrestrial’ Pebble pod, or the elevated Wauhaus - has now designed and built its most charming and eccentric small house ever.

▽飞机外观,Aircraft appearance。

《Hello Wood的喷气式飞机屋》是一部童年幻想成真的电影。这座淡蓝色飞机形状的小屋被藏在匈牙利扎拉县群山中的一圈树木中。它似乎是从动画中飞出来,降落在草地上,有着漂亮的弧线、曲线和圆窗,一旦进入飞机中,一个儿童天地就显露出来了。

Hello Wood’s Jet House is a childhood fantasy come true. The cottage in the shape of a pastel blue airplane is tucked away in a ring of trees among the hills of Zala County, Hungary. It seems as if it had flown out of a cartoon and landed on the meadow with its friendly arcs and curves and round windows, and upon entering, a children's kingdom is revealed.


The client who approached the studio with the idea of this unusual cabin was its youngest ever. 12-year-old Lujzi dreamed of a playhouse she could retreat to, invite her friends over to, and sleep in, and that could later be converted into lodging. Lujzi has always enjoyed traveling - especially flying on aircraft, and this is why she had an airplane-themed cabin in her dreams. She arrived at the first meetings with elaborate ideas and plans on paper. Supported by his father, she followed the designing process till its end – representing an excitingly different perspective from that of typical real estate developers. Starting from Lujzi's idea, the designers’ concept was to create a full-fledged, functional tiny house that is more reminiscent of a beautiful design toy than a building.

▽飞机内部,Inside the aircraft。


The designer's goal, expanding on Lujzi's vision, was to produce a fully working small house that is more akin to a beautiful design toy than a building. The tiny residence was created by combining function with fantasy; the plane's wings form spacious terraces, a circular window covers the plane's nose, and a short flight of airport stairs leads to the front door. The interior's retro airplane-inspired mood is achieved by the rounded shapes and lovely wood elements. It was furnished with actual airplane seats and other aviation relics, the collection of Lujzi and her father.

“我们很高兴接受这项不同寻常的任务。作为一名建筑师,设计一个必须‘可爱’的结构是一项鼓舞人心的任务。将传统建筑元素融入雕塑造型也是一项挑战,比如防水、防潮和隔热”,喷气式飞机屋的项目建筑师Tamás Fül?p说道。

"We were happy to accept the unusual assignment. As an architect, it is an inspiring task to design a structure that has to be ‘cute’. It was also a challenge to incorporate traditional architectural elements into the sculptural shape - such as waterproofing, vapor barrier, and thermal insulation" - says Tamás Fül?p, the Jet House’s project architect.


Lujzi’s Jet, bent from two directions, was composed of more than a thousand different structural pieces. In order to maintain the clean silhouette, neither junctions nor sewers could be placed on the outside of the building, and for that reason, it was given a "protective coating", an innovative waterproofing layer that secures the durability of the tiny house.


With her cozy Jet House, Lujzi is on cloud nine, and she would be delighted if others could also experience what is like staying in an airplane house. You will soon be able to book a night in one of Hungary's most unique cabins.

▽立面图 Elevation

▽结构图 Structure diagram

▽平面图 plan

▽剖面图 sectional drawing

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