| 摄影:肖恩
| 摄影:谢宇杰
Photo by Xie Yujie
| 摄影:谢宇杰
Photo by Xie Yujie
| 摄影:肖恩
Photo by Sean
Photo by Sean
"Cloud Art Museum links with residents in the community through artworks. It's not only a space for interaction between people and people, artworks and visitors, but also a channel for the community to connect with the outside. It brings warmth to the community, and expands the residents' spiritual world through artworks." Shen Shaomin, the art consultant of the project, explained.
Art museum turned into a series of art installations
Photo by Zhou Zhendong
Photo by Sean
| 摄影:肖恩
Photo by Sean
"Mr. Shen took advantage of the interior surfaces to create public art, turning daylighting openings into a Braille verse. Due to the limited scale of the art museum, we decided to create an art gallery loop to increase the area for displaying artworks, after several rounds of discussions. It produces a cramped yet unique spatial experience for visitors whist also breaking with design limitations of the conventional white-box space," founder of HLD Art & Design Zhou He said.
| 摄影:肖恩
Photo by Sean
As approaching these problems, the design team communicated with art consultant Shen Shaomin and decided to adapt to the site' conditions to turn the slope into a highlight of the space. The existing sloped floor was retained, allowing visitors' experience to vary with the height difference while appreciating artworks. The unique visual experience and sloped floor establish an interaction between visitors and the space. On the other hand, the design team made full use of the glass facade components to bring in daylight, to guide the sight line and create a distinctive visual space.
| 项目平面图?万境艺术
Model ? HLD Art & Design
The spatial design of Cloud Art Museum follows curatorial thinking, and subtly integrates the distinctive architectural environment with the emotional and inclusive art atmosphere. The undulating floor offers visitors distinct physical and spiritual experiences. With the spatial design languages combined, the project creates an "improvisational" art space filled with an unexpected philosophical vibe.
While conceiving the physical space, HLD Art & Design provides a variety of possibilities for the future operation of the community-based art museum, including curation, art creation, and public education of art. Acting as an exhibition coordinator, HLD Art & Design have assisted Cloud Art Museum in organizing a multitude of exhibitions and workshops, to create the paradigm for the future operation of art museum.
Zhou He, founder of HLD Art & Design says: "We took into consideration the museum's operation in spatial design. A community art museum is socially significant, somewhat like a spiritual fortress. Art provides a spiritual get-together among artists, designers, anthropologists, scientists and residents in the community. The exhibitions and public education activities enable the meaningful transmission and communication of public artworks."
| 展览海报,图源网络
Exhibition posters, images from Internet
"The art museum not only satisfies local residents' demand for a physical art space, but also will evoke their sense of pride and belonging at spiritual level. It enables children in the community to grow up surrounded by art and beauty, and will plant the seeds of aesthetics in their hearts. The significance of this community art museum will be testified by its residents."
The global pandemic has given people much to think about. During quarantine, people began to contemplate on their living space and emotional relationships. The community-based art museum is a "spiritual church" that unites people. At the same time, it allows residents to form a dynamic network by engaging them in various community art activities.
"In my opinion, no matter how times change, human's pursuit of purity and artistic 'beauty' is eternal. It is an unchanging law, and the foundation of the existence of the community's spiritual fortress. As the Tao Te Ching says, 'the above takes the below as its basis'. Although art is relatively metaphysical, public education activities in the art museum are a way to involve more people and create chemistry between ordinary people and art." Zhou He says.
| 摄影:毛彦钧
Photo by Mao Yanjun
After the opening of Cloud Art Museum, HLD Art & Design continues to participate in the curation of art exhibitions, public art creation and public education of community art. These local experimental art activities invigorate community life on a cultural level.
From spatial design to cultural operation, HLD Art & Design integrates art and community life from many different perspectives and in various forms, indicating that art can also be a way of life.
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