土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 创新住宅公寓:悬挑式空间布局,270-2000㎡的户型设计


发布于:2024-04-22 16:00:22 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]

One at Palm 位于迪拜人工群岛之一朱美拉棕榈岛的入口处。它由 90 套独家住宅组成,面积从 270 平方米到 2,000 平方米不等。该项目根据其所处的文化背景,通过独特的设计提出了一种新的生活标准。该项目充分利用了北面棕榈岛和南面迪拜码头的全景,同时为项目和整个岛屿的入口提供了一种到达感和标志性。

One at Palm will rise at the entrance to Palm Jumeirah, one of Dubai’s artificial archipelagos. It consists of 90 exclusive residences, ranging from 270 to 2,000 sqm. The project proposes a new standard of living through its unique design based on the culture in which it is set. The project takes full advantage of the panoramic views of the Palm to the North and the Dubai Marina to the South, while simultaneously providing a sense of arrival and iconography for the entrance to both the project and the entire island.

这些住宅是通过广泛的相邻关系和景观研究过程有条不紊地安排的,以便在保持每个住宅的私密性的同时,实现无遮挡的俯瞰景观。与该地区其他任何项目不同的是,One at Palm 的每个单元都有自己的私人花园露台,北面可俯瞰棕榈岛,南面可眺望码头。这不仅是一个前所未有的内部和外部环境,而且创造了一个名副其实的透明建筑。

The residences are arranged methodically through an extensive process of adjacency and view studies in order to achieve unobstructed, plunging views while maintaining the privacy of each residence. Unlike any other offer in the region, One at Palm gives each unit its own private garden terrace as well as views both across the Palm to the North and across the Marina to the South. This is not only an unprecedented interior and exterior environment but creates quite literally a transparent building.




In order to achieve this innovative layout, all disciplines were involved at an early stage in the project. A team of culturally diverse and globally renowned designers was pulled together to ensure a cohesive, luxurious living environment for every single resident. The team consisted of US-based architects and lighting designers, Japanese interior designers, Lebanese landscape architects, and Dubai-based developers. The design of the building is centered on residences, which are pushed and pulled across each level to create private outdoor space for every residence, proportional to the size of the unit. Although balconies are utilized, the design methodology allows for the creation of several true open terraces, maintaining unobstructed, plunging views for the majority of the residents. The structure, though a simple column and concrete slab structure at its core, uses an innovative system of post-tensioned beams to push the limits of cantilevering. The residents directly benefit from this innovative structural system as it offers not only private outdoor spaces and cantilevered enclosed living spaces but consistent ceiling heights throughout all the units as well. State-of-the-art world-class amenities are available to the residents, such as a private jetty, beach club, outdoor garden, pool, and cigar lounge.

其标志性的室外私人露台在该地区并不多见,因为典型的室外空间通常既不实用,也不够私密,不符合当地的气候和文化背景。One at Palm 脱颖而出,成为该地区奢华生活的新典范。建筑师、景观设计师、室内设计师和工程师通力合作,打造出了美丽而私密的室外露台,一年四季都可以舒适地使用。在沙漠中,没有比这更奢侈的了。

Its iconic outdoor private terraces were a feature uncommon in the region because typical outdoor spaces are usually neither usable nor private enough for their climatic and cultural context. One at Palm stood out as a new paradigm for luxury living in the region. The collaboration between the architect, landscape architect, interior designer, and engineer resulted in beautiful, private outdoor terraces that can be used year-round comfortably. In the desert- there is no greater luxury.

规划--通过广泛的相邻关系和景观研究,有条不紊地安排住宅,以实现无遮挡的陡峭景观,同时保持每个住宅的私密性。通过这项研究,One at Palm 的每个单元都拥有自己的私人花园露台,同时还能欣赏到棕榈岛北面和码头南面的美景,这与该地区其他任何高层住宅都不同。

Programming - The residences are arranged methodically through an extensive process of adjacency and view studies in order to achieve unobstructed, plunging views while maintaining the privacy of each residence. Through this study, One at Palm provides each unit its own private garden terrace as well as views both across the Palm to the North and across the Marina to the South, unlike any other residential high-rise in the region.

露台 - One at Palm 一经建成,就打破了阿拉伯世界最昂贵房地产的纪录。每个单元都有一个带泳池和流水景观的双层高露台。每套公寓都有一个泳池,还有三个供住户及其客人使用的公共区域泳池,单栋住宅楼内拥有 93 个泳池的设计创下了纪录。One at Palm 不仅在豪华程度和价格上破纪录,在结构工程方面也是如此。每层楼四面悬挑 7 米,整栋楼只有 20 根支柱。

Terraces - Upon its completion, One at Palm broke the record of the most expensive real estate in the Arab world. The luxury features included within each unit are an expansive double-height terrace with a pool and flowing view. With a pool for each apartment and three common area pools for residents and their guests, the design achieves a record-breaking number of 93 pools within a single residential building. Not only is One at Palm record-breaking in luxury and price but also in structural engineering. Each floor cantilevers 7 meters out on all sides, with only 20 columns in the entire building.

公寓类型--建筑师和室内设计师的合作造就了一套精美典雅的公寓设计。从一楼的较小单元到较高层的顶层公寓,每一个细节都经过精心打造,以提供最大程度的舒适和奢华。One at Palm 的设计理念由内而外,以室内外无缝衔接为重点,为住户量身打造适合其奢华生活方式的室内空间。

Apartment Types - The collaboration between the architect and the interior designer resulted in a beautiful and elegant set of apartment designs. From the first floor’s smaller units to the higher-level penthouse, every detail is carefully crafted to offer maximum comfort and luxury. Conceived from the inside out, the driving force of One at Palm was to craft a bespoke interior space suited to the lavish lifestyle of its residents, with an emphasis on seamless indoor and outdoor living.

便利设施 - One at Palm 开创了棕榈岛海滩豪华住宅区的先例,为住户及其客人提供了通常只有五星级度假村才有的大量私人便利设施。它的标志性设计是朱美拉棕榈岛入口的标志,事实证明,它吸引了棕榈岛上的新活动和房地产,而开发商们最初却很难在棕榈岛上取得成功。

在设计和为住户提供的便利设施方面,One at Palm 不遗余力地追求奢华。One at Palm 的住宅开发项目包括室外游泳池、室内游泳池、儿童游泳池、海滩、桑拿和健身中心、水疗中心、美发沙龙、雪茄酒廊以及供船只和游艇停泊的码头。

Amenities - One at Palm set a precedent for luxury residential Palm living on the beach with a large offering of private amenities for residents and their guests, usually only found at 5-star resorts. Its iconic design marks the entrance of Palm Jumeirah and has proved to attract new activity and real estate on Palm Island, which developers initially struggled to find success in. No luxury was spared when it came to the design and the amenities offered to the residents. The residential development of One at Palm includes an outdoor pool, indoor pool, children’s pool, beach, sauna and fitness center, spa, hair salon, cigar lounge, and marina for boats and yachts.





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国家“十四五”规划明确提出:“把乡村建设摆在社会主义现代化建设的重要位置,优化生产生活生态空间,持续改善村容村貌和人居环境,建设美丽宜居乡村”。在乡村振兴中,乡村是具有自然、社会、经济特征的地域综合体,兼具生产、生活、生态、文化等多重功能,与城镇互促互进、共生共存,共同构成人类活动的主要空间。 清华大学建筑设计研究院 坚持以提高乡村居民的生活质量和乡村经济的可持续发展为目标,以多种手法与策略应对乡村地域文化和历史遗产的保护和传承,以人为本,弘扬建筑的功能性和可持续性,并不断创新和融合新的技术和理念。


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