稻田与廊桥:宁波国际会议中心“具有国际一流水准,富有中国江南韵味”——一座绿水青山之间的廊桥会议中心应运而生,带有极其鲜明的在地性及唯一性,从全球范围内的竞赛中脱颖而出并顺利落成,作为“一带一路”和“长三角一体化”政务与商务活动的空间载体,及民族文化象征,成为连接宁波与世界的桥梁。 Tanghua Architects has conceived a conference center in the form of a covered bridge surrounded by picturesque mountain and river landscapes. The scheme, with distinctive design and a response to the genius loci, stood out among other proposals in an international competition and has been successfully executed. The conference center serves as a venue for government affairs and business activities related to the "Belt and Road Initiative" and "Yangtze River Delta Integration Plan". Furthermore, it symbolizes national culture and plays the role of a bridge connecting Ningbo and the world.
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢沙发