土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 西班牙多层办公楼:精心设计外墙效果,并借鉴了巴塞罗那 Eixample 的倒角设计

西班牙多层办公楼:精心设计外墙效果,并借鉴了巴塞罗那 Eixample 的倒角设计

发布于:2024-01-18 14:13:18 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]

A111 号办公楼提倡生物多样性,所有办公室都拥有植被丰富的室外空间,露台总面积达 1,380 平方米。该项目还获得了 LEED 白金认证和 Wiredscore 认证。该项目位于 22@ 区,是 "Galletas Vi?as "工厂的旧址,与该工业区的历史建筑共存。由于毗邻历史建筑和街区的历史记忆,该项目采取了尊重的态度,与周围环境建立了和谐的关系。
The A111 office building promotes biodiversity and is organized so that all offices have outdoor spaces with abundant vegetation, totaling 1,380 m2 of terraces. It has also obtained LEED Platinum and Wiredscore certifications. The project, located in the 22@ district, is on the former site of the "Galletas Vi?as" factory, coexisting with the historic building of the industrial complex. Due to its proximity to the historic building and the memory of the neighborhood's past, a respectful attitude is adopted, enabling a harmonious relationship with the surrounding environment.

该项目采用内敛的体量、令人联想到旧建筑砖块的氧化外立面,并借鉴了巴塞罗那 Eixample 的倒角设计,旨在和谐且不刻意地为新城市景观的建设做出贡献,与 Poblenou 不断变化的场景相一致。该街区正在从工业空间向更加友好和人性化的环境转变。其中一项策略是在建筑附近设置绿色轴线,让人们与大自然互动,并将街道人行道化,如 Almogàvers 轴线。
Through a restrained volumetry, an oxidized facade reminiscent of the brick of old constructions, and the recognition of the chamfer of the Eixample in Barcelona, the project aims to contribute harmoniously and without seeking protagonism to the construction of the new urban landscape, consistent with the evolving scene of Poblenou. The neighborhood is transforming significantly from an industrial space to a more friendly and human environment. One of the strategies involves the inclusion of green axes, allowing interaction with nature, and pedestrianizing streets, such as the Almogàvers axis, adjacent to the building.

Continuing with the construction of the future city, where nature and people become protagonists of the space, the decision is made to provide large terraces on the chamfers and the roof. In these areas, vegetation takes center stage, cascading down the facade and allowing it to blend with the future green axis's vegetation. The ground floor consists of two independent volumes that create a passage between the street and the public space within the block. This connection is seen as a project opportunity to create a representative space, so the passage is expanded to 30 meters in width instead of the 15 meters required by planning regulations.

Similarly, the ground floor pursues two key concepts for the proposal: permeability and transparency. The building's porosity is sought through the central porch, dissolving the private and public space boundary. A covered space, 30 meters long and 5 meters high, is created as a transition between public space and offices. This space is a climatic shelter and a versatile area for multiple activities.

The A111 project aims for transparency on the ground floor. It is decided that the spaces on this floor and the impressive lobby relate clearly to the street through a large glass facade that allows for a direct visual connection. This approach ensures that pedestrians are involved in the interior activity and vice versa, providing the streets with greater security. The goal has been to maximize the flexibility and versatility of the spaces by creating completely open floors, allowing for many possible configurations.
在楼层设计中,我们决定将通信和服务核心置于墙面上,从而为办公区腾出了外墙。这种战略性的分布促进了可用空间的功能性和最佳利用。立柱被放置在外立面上,以提高办公室内的灵活性,创造出一个宽阔的内部跨度,立柱之间的距离为 17.55 米。   这种布局有利于空间的灵活性和   适应不同的需求和用途。
此外,在外立面上设置立柱可以减少玻璃面积,实现玻璃区域和不透明区域之间的适当平衡。   这样可以控制热量的吸收,减少对人工照明的依赖,从而提高建筑的能效。
In the floor design, the decision has been made to place the communication and service cores on the party walls, freeing up the facades for the office area. This strategic distribution promotes functionality and optimal use of the available space. The columns have been placed on the facade to enhance flexibility within the offices, creating a wide interior span with a distance of 17.55 meters between columns. This layout facilitates space flexibility and adaptation to different needs and uses. Additionally, having columns on the facade reduces the glazed surface, achieving a proper balance between glazed and opaque areas. This improves the building's energy efficiency by controlling heat gain and reducing dependence on artificial lighting.

The building design promotes the health and comfort of users, encouraging physical and visual connection with nature. A large water sheet is incorporated at the building's entrance, creating a cooling island effect. Additionally, water as a natural element enhances how people experience a place and brings about biological reactions. The interior of the building is planned with expansive communal spaces, emphasizing the importance of indoor air quality. Furthermore, the choice of natural materials, such as wood, is emphasized, promoting environmentally friendly and recyclable materials.

Finally, incorporating vegetation on the chamfer terraces and the large communal terrace on the roof allows users to connect with nature constantly and enhances biodiversity in our city. The architecture of the A111 offices is characterized by a carefully configured exterior, adapting to the building's orientation. This approach ensures optimal solar protection, using different densities of slats that vary depending on the facade's location. This solution serves an aesthetic function and adds a functional element to the design.


One of the most notable advantages of this strategy is that it allows users to perceive and experience natural changes throughout the day. The dynamic slats create constantly moving shadows that project onto interior and exterior surfaces. These changes in light and shadows create a dynamic and visually appealing atmosphere, allowing occupants to directly appreciate the day's progression and connect with the external environment.

Moreover, the variation in light intensity throughout the day impacts the perception of color temperature. This means interior spaces undergo subtle chromatic changes, contributing to fostering circadian rhythm awareness—the connection of occupants with the natural rhythms of the daily cycle. This approach supports the health and well-being of users by promoting a heightened awareness of the time of day and establishing a deeper connection with nature.








面积:24402 m2


摄影:Antonio Navarro Wijkmark

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2025 年大阪世博会:法国馆设计方案

法国建筑工作室 Coldefy 和意大利建筑事务所 CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati 共同推出了 "Theatrum Naturae",即 "自然剧场",该项目被选为 2025 年大阪世博会法国国家馆。该方案既欢迎自然栖息地,也欢迎人工栖息地,旨在说明设计如何将人类世界和非人类世界联系起来,同时展示法国对文化和自然环境的贡献。在展览中,参观者将被邀请探索法国的多重生态系统,重新发现与自然的联系。


经验值 +10