各种产业园近些年在政府、市场多重因素的促进下如雨后春笋般涌现出来,而产业园绝非由传统生产车间构成的厂区,其类型十分丰富,包括高新技术开发区、经济技术开发区、科技园、工业区、金融后台、文化创意产业园区、物流产业园区等等,园区规划和建筑立面设计都呈现崭新的需求,本文主要整理园区中生产建筑,如机械生产、电子器件生产,研发与创意生产等相对广义的生产用房立面设计案例,以供大家学习参考。 mushrooms under the promotion of multiple factors such as the government and the market. Industrial parks are not factories composed of traditional production workshops, but have a wide variety of types, including high-tech development zones, economic and technological development zones, science and technology parks, industrial zones, financial backstage, cultural and creative industry parks, logistics industry parks, and so on. Park planning and building facade design have presented new demands, This article mainly summarizes the facade design cases of production buildings in the park, such as mechanical production, electronic device production, research and creative production, and other relatively broad production buildings, for everyone's reference and learning.
The facade design of production buildings in industrial parks is mostly influenced by industrialization and modernization of materials and aesthetics, presenting concise, sequential, and high-tech characteristics. Some cases boldly use color embellishments to integrate with the needs and styles of different types of industrial parks.
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