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20 19年高和资本与红星美凯龙携手,经过国际设计招标最终委托伍兹贝格进行建筑外立面及室内设计的全面改造提升, 设计旨在提升传统办公条件,打造满足新一代上班族多样化需求的空间。
Beijing Aegean Square, well-known in the local community as a popular shopping center since 2013, was acquired by the Gohigh Fund in 2019. The ambitious repositioning project to convert the existing structure into a workplace complex began in 2020. The Fusion Center, with an initial Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 100,000 sqm, comprises two interconnected buildings, A and B.
“ 我们的设计师和业主方、品牌方三方, 共同商定下相应的 改造策略 ,精准地抓住客户的需求,满足客户对于市场的把控点。 同时 与ERA-Co 品牌咨询团队一起,为项目找到独一无二的品牌新形象, 最终打造一个共享、活力且可持续的办公综合体。 ” 齐坤, 理事合伙人, 分享道。
“The functional transformation of modern buildings necessitates a co-creation strategy involving designers, clients, and end users.” said by Kun Qi, W-B Associate Principal.
在 “新办公+新零售” 的理念指导下,两栋塔楼之间 增设了 下沉 广场,首层和地下层提供餐饮及其他便利设施,二层改造成为办公交往空间; 升降梯替代了商场原本的 自动扶梯;商场的圆形中庭改造成为适应办公需求的矩形中庭,挑高通透,给予空间充足的自 然光照; 简单高效的楼层平面则可为未来租户提供最大灵活性。
除了这些功能性的转变,设计团队在建筑立面的设计上着重关注美感以及与周边城市肌理的协调。 波浪状玻 璃立面以“云帆潋滟”为设计理念,波浪形的单元幕墙塑造了融中心简洁有力的立面形象,不仅能够反映周围环境和天气的变化,亦呼应了简洁而优雅的室内设计语言。
Beyond these functional changes, Woods Bagot has given careful attention to the building's aesthetic appeal. The new fa?ade, designed to harmonize with the surrounding urban context, features a wave-like pattern made from glass and metal fin. This contemporary design not only reflects changes in weather and surroundings but also echoes the simplicity and elegance of the interior design language.
"The renovating process has further changed the building's function from a multi-purpose mixed use to a single-function corporate headquarters, but our fa?ade has also adapted well to the new functional requirements," added by Hang Xu, W-B Associate Principal, Urban Regeneration Design Leader.
通过重新定位,建筑的生命周期得以延长,目前,这里已转变为 一体化的办公生活社区,也成为北京商改办的标杆项目。
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文化地标:多维度的流动空间—衢州高铁新城文艺馆衢州高铁新城文艺馆 UDG联创设计 前序|ABSTRACT 链接,一个烙印于人类发展历程中的重要命题与底层驱力。一切宏观的、微观的、群体的、个体的体验和场景,都埋藏着对“链接”遐思的草蛇灰线。建筑的形成往往取决于人的行为活动与诉求渴望,而建筑和景观之间,不仅仅只是混凝土与植被的生硬碰撞,更有可能是对大地的重构,成为人与自然的链接。
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