项目 场地较小,登高面挤压中庭,高层建筑有压迫感, 我们应该如何去定义居住场景? 相比大尺度空间的随性和开敞感,小尺度空间更需致力于每一处细节的营造,团队精心打造了林境中心花园、林下休憩口袋空间、造型景墙点缀以潺潺跌水,营造轻灵而悠远的诗意氛围,打造小而精的国际化高端住区。
城市观山望雪景观带是本次设计概念的主要来源,设计以“领峯”为题,写山水之形为物境,寄景生情为情境, 提取山峰之气势,流水之形态。打造现代、隐贵、生态宜居的诗意生活环境。 在闲适与优雅之中,完成对生活审美的朝拜。
The city's Guanshan Xuexue landscape belt is the main source of this design concept. The design is based on the title of "leading peak". Create modern, hidden, ecological livable poetic living environment. In leisure and elegance, complete worship of life aesthetics.
Most of the interior of the atrium is occupied by the firefighting field. The design first uses non -anti -defense to grow high plants to plant greening, and seeps green penetration to the climbing surface to weaken the hard edge space of the ascending surface.
The design combines the edge green space to divide different functional partitions to create a garden -style leisure life experience. Sofele up the high noodles by moving the tree box facilities. Weaken the sense of emptiness by changing the pavement and guide the home streamline.
▲进入大门后,跌水景墙与造型花乔带来仪式迎宾的雅致礼遇, 为宾客的归来营造舒心的感受。
▲ 鹿形雕塑,与景观交映成趣,阳光透过树影,动静变幻为空间带来灵动的视觉体验。
The corner inadvertently left a side of the world freely. The pleasant scale and the exquisite water falling scene wall constituted a sense of spatial layering and narrative, and wasolated the noise and hustle and bustle of the city. Here you enjoy a good afternoon tea and talk with your friends and relatives.
Nature and space penetrate each other, and the child runs through it, leaving a beautiful moment of growth and playing.
Nature and life are inseparable, and the warmth and relaxation of life flowing out of the grass and one wood, so that every place to return home shows the pursuit of the quality of life.
Flexible transformation of fire -fighting surfaces, through special linear pavement, outdoor tables and chairs, and mobile tree boxes, to create a micro -social space for neighborhoods.
▲ 精工 细节展现优雅 轻奢的生活场景, 通过 材质肌理间的碰撞融合,展现无处不在的生活美学。
From the material selection to the construction process, the choice of view of the latrobe, the combination of the shape of the plants, and the ingenuity of each process with ingenuity, presenting the expression of the ultimate life scene.
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重构生活的岸线 | 金桥曹家沟滨河景观更新设计曹家沟是黄浦江在浦东地区的支流,属于上海“一环十射”重点水系之外的“中小河道”范畴。曹家沟金桥段是曹家沟沿线城市密度最高的区域,更新前的现状也呈现出与“一江一河(黄浦江、苏州河)”等宏大叙事存在巨大落差的中小河道滨河岸线的基本特征(郁闭、管养不足、公共性弱、与周边城市功能以及居民生活互动不足等)。 Caojiagou is a tributary of the Huangpu River, which is excluded from the key channel system of Shanghai. In contrast to the renowned Huangpu River or Suzhou Creek, Caojiagou riverfront appeared to be enclosed, poorly maintained, desolated, and lacks interaction with local inhabitants and urban functionalities before renewal.
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