土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 重构生活的岸线 | 金桥曹家沟滨河景观更新设计

重构生活的岸线 | 金桥曹家沟滨河景观更新设计

发布于:2023-11-14 13:22:14 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

Caojiagou is a tributary of the Huangpu River, which is excluded from the key channel system of Shanghai. In contrast to the renowned Huangpu River or Suzhou Creek, Caojiagou riverfront appeared to be enclosed, poorly maintained, desolated, and lacks interaction with local inhabitants and urban functionalities before renewal.

△ 清晨的金桥曹家沟滨河景观鸟瞰 @吴清山
  △ 引导立体游观的“社区之桥”下方的儿童活动 @吴清山


So how to transform the small channel side space from the back side of the urban landscape to the front side of public daily life is the key point of the renewal design.


Deconstruction: break the line into pockets


Dense trees at the riverfront are relatively well established at the site of Caojiagou. However, we also find problems such as inconsistent pathways, lack of necessary functional space, poorly maintained ground cover and congested car parking in the surroundings. All issues contribute to an abandoned “urban backside” feeling, which we regard as an initial reason to make a change. On the other side, the real challenge of the renewal originated from the basic current site character.

△  区位图 @VIA 维亚景观

△  现状分析 @VIA 维亚景观


The total length of Caojiagou riverfront within the design scope is about 560 meters, of which 70% has merely 12m wide linear space. So what we should do first is to avoid a boring pathway winding through the narrow riverfront and make more users will be willing to enter into the riverfront and create a more public open space through the renewal scheme.

△  整体更新策略:线性空间的口袋化 @VIA 维亚景观

△ 结合休闲、景观塑造、人流聚散的“带状口袋”解构传统的滨河基础空间 @吴清山

△ 多功能的“带状口袋”对滨河绿道的“断”与“连” @吴清山

△ “微口袋”丰富滨河视觉感受与行为 @吴清山

  △ 滨河绿道将多个“口袋”串联为整体 @敬波


We propose a method to deconstruct overall linear space that is to “break the line into pockets”. Various pocket spaces transform the original passing-by paths into nodes for recreation. On top of this, the “pocket node” becomes the interest points along the walking path. For more spacious areas, 2 more complete and characteristic pocket park areas are developed combining culture display, fitness, full-age recreation, and indoors community service. The general structure of our design is therefore “line-breaking pockets” at the riverfront and “1 waterfront green corridor + 2 pocket parks” in a broader perspective.

  △ 鸟瞰“社区之桥”围合的“社区舞台口袋”与“i love jinqiao”趣乐空间 @吴清山
  △ 在场地最南侧形成儿童趣乐活动的“口袋”@敬波
  △ 为保留现状绿化而形成的“圆形口袋”@吴清山
  △ “带状口袋”与“圆形口袋”的空间组合 @吴清山
  △  以坐凳、台阶、绿化一体化设计的方式形成具有“口袋”功能的景观节点 @吴清山


Construction: hierarchy and logic of a linear language


After the deconstruction, we embark on constructing the space with an appropriate & systematic design language. Then we decide to use the linear design language which fits more with the site and secondly it is a frequently employed approach that VIASCAPE design has applied in recent design practices as well.

  △ 呈现多层次线性语言建构体系的金桥曹家沟滨河景观 @吴清山
  △ 线性路径与线性绿化融合形成的入口幽径 @吴清山
△ 线性园路、线性绿化与坐凳共同构成的滨河自然场景 @敬波

Initially, we apply linear paving, stepping stones, bench and linear planting as primary elements. These elements form a basic spatial composition and are applied along the riverfront. These elements are tightly combined with the pocket space, exhibiting a strong linear language. A logic through design construction is established from bottom to top with these elements tied with linear waterfront corridor.

  △ 线性口袋空间与线性灯光在空间上的融合 @吴清山

△ 线性汀步构成的多义休憩场地融入由景墙统治的口袋空间 @吴清山

  △ 线性汀步与滨河绿道的自然衔接 @吴清山
△ 俯瞰线性口袋空间、线性汀步、线性绿化共同构成的滨河景观节点 @吴清山


The design of landscape structures and architecture also follows a linear pattern. It exhibits a different style with overall landscape design language but still shows a compatible consistency all together with other design elements. This consistency is strengthened with linear lighting. This contributes to the completion of the linear design language of Caojiagou riverfront renewal design.

  △ “社区之桥”为空间围合提供的线性景观界面 @敬波
  △ 儿童趣乐活动以线性空间的特征呈现 @敬波
  △ 金桥曹家沟滨河景观夜景中呈现的多层次线性构成 @吴清山

dimensional Recreation: the community bridge


The base point of this renewal design is the formation of a renewal strategy and space construction of narrow riverfront space. In this context, a more concentrated open space with a size of 4900 sqm at the crossing of Jinhai Rd. and Donglu Rd. becomes a precious spatial resource. Considering the fact that Zhangqiao community, where this project is situated, has limited open space for local residents, we designed a pocket park “hanging” over the riverfront. This design targets a highly efficient utilization with the “community bridge”.

  △“社区之桥”空间建构与立体游观生成 @VIA 维亚景观
△“社区之桥”桥上景观与休闲活动场景 @吴清山


The community bridge is primarily an object to screen out loud traffic and an interface to define in and out. The bridge also incorporates public activities, a public toilet, MEP rooms, and a maintenance room. With a feature staircase connecting riverfront green corridor and a rooftop with green setting, this community bridge becomes a bridge-shaped building for viewing and recreation.

  △ 将立体游观休憩、桥上桥下儿童活动、社区治理等多元功能融于一体的“社区之桥” @吴清山     △ 附属于“社区之桥”的滑梯与儿童缓坡攀岩场地 @吴清山
  △“社区之桥”桥下的秋千与活动 @吴清山
  △“社区之桥”桥下的多元活动与功能空间 @敬波

The grey space under the bridge is another design focus. The space is the main access to pocket park and riverfront landscape from main roads. We incorporate recreational facilities like swings, ropes, and slides into the grey space. This multifunctional space makes the community bridge a featured space for “visiting, staying, seating, viewing”. Besides, the general layout of the community bridge bending towards the pocket park makes the two sites more intimate regarding both space and behavior. A more streamlined, complete 3-dimensional experience is established with the activity area, play area under the bridge, and viewing space on the bridge. The community bridge is a most essential feature in the design, also intended to be the most visited, efficient, and popular place for local residents.

  △ 既是框景也是通道和趣味活动场所的桥下灰空间 @吴清山
  △“社区之桥”的空间界面与供市民活动的社区舞台 @敬波
  △ 融于滨河公园景观感受的“社区之桥” @吴清山

Symbiosis: a near-natural plant community with multi-activities


The linear manicured shrub is a critical element in general design composition and for constructing an overall green backbone. With manicured shrubs, the design balanced the need for a natural vibe and organized neat space, which is hardly achieved with traditional design methods. 

  △ 景观生境营造策略 @VIA 维亚景观
△ 金桥曹家沟滨河景观中被线性逻辑规范的自然感受 @吴清山


Shrubs with low maintenance and lawns on a pleasant scale as the first level of a softscape setting acquire a cheerful and open feeling. This setting also provides freely “presenting” space for near-nature plant community such as perennials, ornamental grass, and ground covers for shades. 

△ 以观赏草为主构成的近自然群落 @吴清山

△ 以近自然群落的生境将园路与活动场地围合 @敬波

△ 隐现于近自然群落中的线性园路 @敬波

  △“社区之桥”桥上休闲空间与自然气息绿化的结合 @敬波

而类似的绿化设计手法,也已经在我们稍早完成的上海南京西路绿地更新、上海曹家渡花园更新、上海“1+1空间艺术计划”等项目的设计与实施中得到了较好的正面反馈验证。这样的手法也成为形成金桥曹家沟滨河景观中可管理、易管理的自然之境的保障。 同时,现场大部分保留、部分场地内移植的大乔木,以及保留利用的现状置石,也为更新后的曹家沟滨河景观提供了自然与文化共生的基础与契机。

This method has been applied in our previous completed projects like streetscape regeneration in West Nanjing Rd., Caojiadu Garden Pocket Park, etc. Due to the positive feedback received from those above-mentioned projects, we secure the design generated from this method to be manageable and easily manageable. At the same time, most preserved trees on site and some transplanted trees together with the existing rockery offer a chance and a basis for co-existence and co-development of nature and local culture. 

△ 儿童趣乐活动场地与近自然群落的融合 @敬波

△ 耐候钢板文化景墙与健身空间的融合 @敬波

△ 新建场地与保留乔木、置石的有机结合 @吴清山


The blending of natural green at the riverside and the fun activities of multiple local users are viewed as a more priceless “Symbiosis” from our perspective.

△ 更新后的金桥曹家沟滨河景观顺流汇入整座城市的宏大叙事 @吴清山

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