挪威最大的雕塑公园向人类的复杂性致敬奥斯陆的 Vigeland( 维格兰 )公园是挪威最著名的旅游景点之一,每年吸引100多万游客。它是世界上最大的单一艺术家雕塑公园,拥有200多座青铜、花岗岩和铸铁雕塑,由著名的挪威雕塑家 Gustav Vigeland 创作,他的现实主义作品代表了人类生命的循环及其所有情感。 Attracting more than a million visitors every year, free-to-enter Vigeland Park in Oslo is one of the top tourist attractions in Norway. It is the largest sculpture park by a single artist in the world, with more than 200 sculptures in bronze, granite and cast iron by acclaimed Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland, whose realistic work represents the cycle of human life and all its emotions.
经验值 +10
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