奥斯陆的 Vigeland( 维格兰 )公园是挪威最著名的旅游景点之一,每年吸引100多万游客。它是世界上最大的单一艺术家雕塑公园,拥有200多座青铜、花岗岩和铸铁雕塑,由著名的挪威雕塑家 Gustav Vigeland 创作,他的现实主义作品代表了人类生命的循环及其所有情感。
Attracting more than a million visitors every year, free-to-enter Vigeland Park in Oslo is one of the top tourist attractions in Norway. It is the largest sculpture park by a single artist in the world, with more than 200 sculptures in bronze, granite and cast iron by acclaimed Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland, whose realistic work represents the cycle of human life and all its emotions.
Vigeland 公园位于奥斯陆最大的公共公园Frognerparken 内。露天雕塑公园7*24小时开放,这是 Vigeland 的愿景,为奥斯陆人民创造一个真正的公共空间。 Vigeland 参与了公园的设计和规划,但不幸的是,他在1949年竣工前6年去世。
Vigeland Park is within Frognerparken (Frogner Park), the largest public park in Oslo. The open-air sculpture park is open 24/7, and is testament to Vigeland’s vision to create a truly public space for the people of Oslo. Vigeland was involved in the design and planning of the park, although unfortunately he died six years before completion in 1949.
公园内的雕塑以 The Monolith 为中心,向人类的复杂性致敬。The Monolith 由一块巨大的石块雕刻而成,是 Vigeland 公园的最高点,描绘了121个人类,顶部还有儿童的雕塑,攀爬并相互依偎。每一个人物都代表着不同的人生阶段。
The sculptures in the park, a tribute to the complexity of humankind, are centred around The Monolith. Carved out of a gigantic stone block, it is the highest point in Vigeland Park and depicts 121 humans climbing around and clinging to each other, with children at the top. Every figure represents a different stage of life.
另一件重要的作品是 The Bridge,其中有58座青铜雕塑,展示了不同年龄的男人、女人和儿童。这些雕塑是 Vigeland 在1925年至1933年间雕刻的,是1940年代初期安装在公园内的第一批作品。Sinnataggen (The Angry Boy) 是最具代表性的作品之一,经常出现在奥斯陆的明信片上。就在 The Bridge 对面,穿过玫瑰园,是 The Fountain,周围环绕着 20 座雕像,这些雕像涵盖了从童年到死亡的各个生命阶段。其他著名的雕塑包括 Dancing Young Woman、Man Fighting Lizard和The Wheel of Life,一个青铜圆形的人物雕塑。
Another important piece is The Bridge, which has 58 bronze sculptures showing men, women and children of different ages. They were sculpted by Vigeland between 1925 and 1933 and were some of the first pieces mounted in the park in the early 1940s. Sinnataggen (The Angry Boy) is one of the most iconic and is often reproduced on postcards of Oslo. Just beyond The Bridge, through a rose garden, is The Fountain, surrounded by 20 statues from all stages of life from childhood to death. Other notable sculptures include Dancing Young Woman, Man Fighting Lizard and The Wheel of Life, a bronze circle of human figures.
被《每日邮报》描述为“世界上最奇怪的雕像”,Vigeland 的雕塑以其独特而奇妙的形式表达(和庆祝)生命。这些雕塑是对人体各个阶段的奇迹的研究。它们揭示了人类的所有情绪,包括那些通常不为人所知的情绪,比如愤怒和暴力。
Described as “the weirdest statues in the world” by the Daily Mail, Vigeland’s sculptures are a reflection on (and celebration of) life in all its strange and wonderful forms. The figures are studies of the wonder of the human body at every stage. They reveal the full range of human emotions, including those not usually celebrated, such as anger and violence.
通过 Vigeland 的作品,我们可以直面对自己和周围人的感受,也许还可以思考我们在生命周期中的位置。同样,Vigeland 让每个人都能在一个免费的城市公园里欣赏他的雕塑,他清楚地表明,这些情感——就像他的作品一样——是普遍存在的。
Through Vigeland’s work, we can confront our own feelings about ourselves and those around us, and perhaps consider our place in the cycle of life. Equally, by giving everyone access to his sculptures in a free city park, Vigeland makes it clear that these emotions – like his work – are universal.
Gustav Vigeland 是挪威最著名的雕刻家。他出生于1869年,十几岁时搬到奥斯陆,对这座城市产生了重大影响,最著名的是创建了 Vigeland 公园。他在1889年的秋季展览上首次亮相,随后创作了大量广受好评的雕塑和纪念碑。
Gustav Vigeland is the most celebrated sculptor in Norway. Born in 1869, he moved to Oslo as a teenager and made a significant impact on the city, most notably by creating Vigeland Park. He made his debut at the Autumn Exhibition in 1889 and went on to make a remarkable number of critically acclaimed sculptures and monuments.
1914年,他萌生了为自己的雕塑建造一个户外公园的想法,并在1931年达成了完整的计划。Vigeland 还说服奥斯陆市为他建造了一个住所和工作室,他在那里生活和工作度过了余生。作为回报,他承诺在未来将他所有的作品捐赠给这座城市,事实上在他去世后,他的家确实变成了 Vigeland 博物馆。
He conceived the idea of creating an outdoor park for his sculptures in 1914, and full plans were agreed by 1931. Vigeland also convinced the City of Oslo to build him a home and studio, where he lived and worked for the rest of his life. In return, he promised to donate all his works to the city in the future, and indeed after his death, his home was turned into the Vigeland Museum.
在奥斯陆的其他地方也可以看到 Vigeland 的作品,在皇宫附近有他的三座纪念碑:Abel 纪念碑、Camilla Collett 和 Rikard Nordraak。他的雕塑遍布挪威卑尔根,维格兰的家乡曼达尔、克里斯蒂安桑和特隆赫姆,在那里他为 Nidaros 大教堂制作了 44 件雕塑。此外,斯德哥尔摩的泰尔画廊拥有挪威以外最大的 Vigeland 雕塑收藏。
Vigeland’s work can also be spotted elsewhere in Oslo, and there are three of his monuments near the Royal Palace: The Abel Monument, Camilla Collett and Rikard Nordraak. His sculptures can be seen across Norway in Bergen, Vigeland’s hometown of Mandal, Kristiansand and Trondheim, where he made 44 sculptures for the Nidaros Cathedral. In addition, the Thiel Gallery in Stockholm owns the largest collection of Vigeland sculptures outside Norway.
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