在多恩比恩的班霍夫斯大街(Bahnhofsstra?e)尽头,新近翻修过的城市别墅 "约瑟夫-魏斯酒店 "与毗邻的弗林特酒店建筑群结合在一起,形成了一个新的、极具视觉冲击力的城市地标。塔楼和裙房以现有的上市建筑为蓝本,采用了充满氛围的家具和浮雕式立面。酒店的流动性概念主要针对火车旅客,提供宽敞的别墅套房、巧妙紧凑的公寓和可欣赏美景的客房。
At the end of Dornbirn’s Bahnhofsstra?e, the recently renovated town villa, “Hotel Josef Weiss”, and the adjoining Hotel Flint complex combine to form a new, visually striking urban landmark. With atmospherically charged furnishings and a relief-like fac?ade, the tower and the podium reference the existing listed building. The mobility concept is predominantly focused on train travelers, offering a selection of spacious suites in the villa and ingeniously compact apartments and rooms with magnificent views.
弗林特酒店(Hotel Flint)是南蒂罗尔州美食界的先驱约瑟夫-魏斯(Josef Weiss)的故居,是一座全新的标志性城市绿洲。酒店建筑群包括一座细长的塔楼和两层裙楼,其中一部分就是这位绅士的别墅。在这座位于班霍夫大街(Bahnhofstra?e)和弗朗茨-迈克尔-费尔德大街(Franz-Michael-Felder-Stra?e)交汇处的独特建筑中,他不仅经营着一家酒店,还经营着一家著名的葡萄酒酒馆。别墅和花园在经历了多次使用后,才由今天的业主和酒店所有者沃尔特-福尔斯坦(Walter Feurstein)将其改造成一个新的城市地标。
New and emblematic, Hotel Flint presents itself as an urban oasis on the former grounds of Josef Weiss, a pioneering spirit in the field of gastronomy from South Tyrol. Part of the extensive hotel complex including a slim tower and two-storey podium is the villa of the said gentleman. In the distinctive building at the corner of Bahnhofstra?e and Franz-Michael-Felder-Stra?e, he not only ran a hotel but also a well-known wine tavern. Villa and garden went through a number of intermediate uses before today’s property and hotel owner, Walter Feurstein, had them transformed into a new urban landmark.
The design is based on a clear urban planning concept that seeks to create a dialogue between the new building and the existing structure. On the one hand, the nearly square tower aligns with the vertical component of the neighboring building in terms of depth and height. On the other hand, the square in front of the entrance mediates between the new building, the villa, and the other side of the street. The clear design language of the structure is accentuated by a homogeneous, sculptural fac?ade: high-precision concrete work and the staggered arrangement of the windows create an ingenious and visually striking play of light and shadow.
On the inside, guests are welcomed by a sequence of rooms consisting of a lobby, fireplace lounge, breakfast room, and bar, with select furniture and exquisite materials. In the semi-public areas, historic black-and-white photographs, running from the floor to the ceiling, bear witness to the flurry of activity and business that was once conducted here at the beginning of the 20th century. Likewise, one of the two seminar rooms on the ground floor creates a link to the revitalized villa through its large opening. The listed building is now home to six spacious suites, the largest of which has the original fixtures–paneling, cabinets, sitting area–and restored tiled stove. A shop facing the train station on the mezzanine reactivates the former restaurant with a new use and makes for a high-profile address.
The spa on the first floor of the new building benefits from the clever use of light from the inner courtyard. The introversion and intimacy of the relaxation room are contrasted by the unexpected view of the bustling city. The elegant light fixtures integrated into the walls serve as a reference to the villa, and the natural-colored sisal carpeting and wall openings at the end of the corridors create a bright atmosphere with style.
The range of 77 rooms varies from long-term rooms with a sophisticated partition, kitchenette, and stone-clad bathroom to smaller, optimized rooms with a great view in three directions and unconventional bathroom facilities. Thanks to the height and compactness of the tower, there is still plenty of space, despite the density, for the villa and the surrounding area to offer unique sightlines, at ground level and from above, and create places to sit outside on warm summer evenings with urban flair.
摄影:Paul Ott, Jens Ellensohn
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