土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 泰国·芭东皇家天堂酒店及水疗中心


发布于:2023-07-27 14:02:27 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]


Inspired by the cultural richness and the natural beauty of landscape in Thailand, landscape design concept illustrates the modern contemporary design elaborating the harmony between Paradise Green (garden) and Paradise Blue (pools and water feature). The landscape design subtly enhances the essence of serenity yet vibrant ambience.


Over 30 years old legendary hotel located in world renowned tourist destination; Patong, Phuket features the podium landscape with organic shaped swimming pool, spacious pool deck and garden. There are many constraints to overhaul these common facilities from its existing loading, structure, budget, construction sequences, etc.


Creating the project concept and marketing communication, working closely with the engineer and contractor, planning in advance for the construction process and estimating the construction cost in advance are the main activities moving the projects in the right direction.


The existing pool was simplified by introducing new outline, finishing and pattern. Some existing planter boxes, staircase and other complicated elements were demolished, simplified or grouped in simple form. The existing mature trees were identified, preserved and designed as part of the new layout. The new space planning aimed to maximize the number of seat around the pool in the advent of new pool bar and pop-up F&B outlet.


“Paradise Green and Paradise Blue” therefore features the balance ingredients in landscape. The multi-level swimming pool nestled among the tropical greenery in the modern contemporary design is as a main feature. Its zebra pattern simply motivates the new tempo in simple outline.


Pool terrace offers various settings of seat; daybeds, cabanas, sun loungers. The small private spaces are beautifully placed in the garden enhancing the human senses by water spouts and small intimate greenery.


This renovation in landscape of the legendary towering hotel as a landmark in Patong took place in 2022 overhauling the original design to its new modern contemporary look and feel. The hotel is now ready to open its door to all guests now.

▽平面图,Plan .

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经验值 +10