隐藏在丛林里的顶级别墅Entreparotas house是一个用户与自然保持持续联系的项目,因此,选择一个能够增强现有植物群和穿过地形的小溪相联系的场地是前提。热带植被,帕罗塔和无花果树突出,营造出丛林的氛围,使设计理念成为现实。 Entreparotas house is a project which allows its users to live in a constant relation with nature, therefore the premise of choosing a site that would enhance the relevance of the existing flora and a small stream that passes through the terrain. A tropical vegetation, where the parotas and fig trees stand out, generates a jungle atmosphere that made the design concept possible.
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢沙发