土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 园林景观实景 \ 隐藏在丛林里的顶级别墅


发布于:2023-05-04 10:44:04 来自:园林景观/园林景观实景 [复制转发]

Entreparotas house是一个用户与自然保持持续联系的项目,因此,选择一个能够增强现有植物群和穿过地形的小溪相联系的场地是前提。热带植被,帕罗塔和无花果树突出,营造出丛林的氛围,使设计理念成为现实。

Entreparotas house is a project which allows its users to live in a constant relation with nature, therefore the premise of choosing a site that would enhance the relevance of the existing flora and a small stream that passes through the terrain. A tropical vegetation, where the parotas and fig trees stand out, generates a jungle atmosphere that made the design concept possible.


Imposing concrete volumes that understood the site’s topography, were placed in a studied way, generating a series of paths to wander around the house. The created routes, always grant the vegetation to pop out and allow the user to discover the residence.

Selected materials play with a range of neutral and stone-like colors which interpret the essence of a lost ruin in the middle of the jungle, where architecture takes a step back to praise what happens on the outside and also dignifies and favors its components to acquire a perceptible richness as it ages along with the environment.

Light, wind and rain are elements that surround continuously the building, the perforation of big volumes with windows from floor to ceiling, allow the crossing of small gardens which constantly embrace the house.

Downstairs the project harbors the heart of the residence; both living and dining rooms are opened completely with a double height ceiling, which resembles a crystal box that intersects the main axis and blurs the boundaries between inside and outside, providing natural lightning to all the spaces, which are connected through stairs that once again bet for enjoyable passages, with the terrace.

This last one diverges from the rest of the program surrounded by alternated water bodies that reward a closer contact with the garden, and also accommodates a rooftop which you access through a light structured stair to enjoy a moment of sightseeing.

The upper level, hosts the most private zones. Walking through the stairs that are placed in the center of the house, to continue with the idea of the importance of light and the direct connection with the context, you reach an elongated corridor whose perspective is extended with the double height of the ground floor which distributes to the bedrooms.

The proposed structure solved the possibility of large cantilevers and free wall spaces, that could be perceived completely open toward the back facade. This is how a mixed structure of concrete and steel was chosen and achieved a perfect blend with artisan work in stone walls and parota woodwork.


Información General
Nombre del Proyecto: Casa Entreparotas
Oficina de Arquitectura: Di Frenna Arquitectos
Sitio Web: www.difrennaarquitectos.com
E-mail de contacto: direccion@difrennaarquitectos.com
País de la Oficina: México

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这个露台花园只有 80㎡ ,从荒芜到繁花盛开,历经四季变换,当它展现在我的面前时,我不禁为之赞叹, 女主人巧手成花仙,楼顶终成瑶池! 女主人聪明漂亮,她的努力赢得了花姑娘的青睐,数以百计的花都在追求自己的美丽。 露台上还设计了一个阳光房,这种设计内部休闲区更加舒适和宽敞。不管是蚊子还是外面的高温或冷风,都可以被阳光房挡住,舒适度提高了几倍。


经验值 +10