土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 混凝土结构 \ “悬挑式”双子住宅公寓——OMA新作


发布于:2022-12-19 10:29:19 来自:建筑结构/混凝土结构 [复制转发]

Greenpoint Landing 双子住宅塔 楼位于布鲁克林北部的牛顿溪(Newton Creek)和东河(East River)的交汇处, 该社区历史上被称为“小波兰”,由低层联排别墅组成,其滨水边缘有工业区的存在,包括造船、制绳以及石油提炼等活动,由此切断了这个社区与东河的联系。

Greenpoint lies at the northernmost tip of Brooklyn where Newtown Creek meets the East River. The neighborhood—sometimes called “Little Poland”—has historically consisted of low-rise townhouses with industry at its waterfront edges. The industrial border, which included shipbuilding, rope-making, and more toxic activities such as petroleum refinement, cut the neighborhood off from the East River.

作为2005年对Greenpoint和Williamsburg全面重新规划的一部分,我们将南北两侧的街区被确定为新的住宅区域——引入一对30层和40层高的塔楼 ,包括 市场价公寓和经济适用房 (30% 的单位是经济适用房)。

As part of a sweeping rezoning of both Greenpoint and Williamsburg in 2005, our site and blocks to the north and south were identified as an area for new residential density—introducing pairs of thirty- and forty-story towers to include market-rate and affordable housing (30 percent of units to be affordable).

作为交换,这一新的开发项目将开放通往东河及其沿线的通道。我们的场地位于Greenpoint的主要网格和垂直于NewtownCreek延伸的次要网格的交界处。这个铰链点可以俯瞰曼哈顿的全景,但也因为切割了场地西端而 限制了整体街区的大小 ,整体呈现一个梯形轮廓。

In exchange, this new development would open access to and along the East River. Our site sits at the conjunction of Greenpoint’s primary grid and a secondary grid that extends perpendicular to Newtown Creek. This hinge- point provides panoramic views of Manhattan, but also cuts the western end of the site, creating a trapezoidal outline and constraining the size of the block.


Our challenge was to fit the desired amount of housing into a site and a neighborhood that both seemed too small to accommodate it.

该分区允许的最大建筑面积为11000平方英尺。我们很快发现,这样的规模将导致两座塔楼之间只有40英尺的距离—— 过近的距离会削弱该场地的潜力,并与社区形成一道隔离墙。因为,我们 需要尽量减少塔楼占地面积, 留出60英尺的空地,以此接近于典型街道的规模, 并在最大化塔楼使用效率的情况下,战略性地扩展或收缩各个楼层。

The zoning allowed for a maximum floorplate of 11,000 square feet. We quickly found that this scale and required setbacks would result in only 40 feet of separation between our two towers—an uncomfortable proximity that undermined the potential of the site and would create a wall from the neighborhood. We began by reducing their footprints to allow for 60 feet of open space, more akin to the scale of a typical street. We could then strategically expand and contract the towers for zones of maximum efficiency within each.


两座塔楼相互靠近又相互远离。 较高的塔楼由西向东、由下至上逐渐变宽,从而最大化看向曼哈顿天际线的视野, 为社区创造了一个引人注目的面貌。 较矮的塔楼则有着较宽的底部,以此打造与相邻塔楼渐行渐远的“梯田式”户外露台,并与位于北面的滨河长廊相接。


两座塔楼的形状形成了露台和悬挑, 它们紧紧地连接在一起,仿佛是从一个街区中分离出来的。 阶梯式的立面弱化了两栋塔楼之间的尺度差异,也减少了与邻近建筑之间的不同。

The two towers simultaneously lean into and away from one another. The taller tower widens toward the east as it rises, maximizing views and creating a dramatic face to the neighborhood. The shorter tower, a fraternal twin, widens toward the ground to face a new waterfront park to the north.  The two towers are shaped to create terraces and overhangs that emphatically link them together as if they were broken apart from a single block. A ziggurat and its inverse, the pair are distinct yet intimately connected by the void between them. The stepped forms of the towers and the articulation of their facades mediate the inevitable contrast in scale between the two towers and the existing neighborhood. The stepping divides the tower into seven- to eight- story blocks that echo the scale of the neighboring buildings. The facade reinforces this subdivision.

当The Avery的玻璃幕墙在旧金山拔地而起时,在这里的提案建筑师力求体现坚固性。将 8 英尺 x 8 英尺的大窗户整合到预制混凝土网格中,从而保持了广阔的全景视野,同时使单元内部和立面之间 更容易适应。

While The Avery’s glass curtain wall was rising in San Francisco, our proposal here sought to embrace solidity. Incorporating large 8-foot-by-8-foot windows into a grid of precast concrete maintains expansive views while making the complex negotiations between unit interiors and facade easier to accommodate. 


The solidity also creates a set of buildings that emerge mo   re seamlessly from the neighborhood. Much like the shingled facades seen on Greenpoint’s townhouses, the precast panels are carved by a series of angled planes. The shingling of each “block” of the tower alternates in orientation to emphasize the finer scale of the towers’ mass—a dynamic relief that reacts to the movement of the sun.




Waterfront towers typically try to both maximize the views to the water and establish a distinct, even iconic frontage within the skyline. Too often that means turning away from the neighborhood, creating a “back” side and disengaging the tower from its context. Here, a set of cantilevers—extending the building 48 feet from its base—faces east toward Greenpoint and presents our most dramatic facade to the neighborhood.

作为一个家庭农场社区,呼应了 Green point 的田园起源, 两层绿地 向海滨开放, 露台由一系列公共空间构成。 在它们上 方, 塔楼由一条俯瞰曼哈顿天际线的桥梁 相连接。

总之,Greenpoint Landing旨在成为一个生活平台:连接过去和未来、室内和室外、城市街景和海滨广场。

Echoing Greenpoint’s pastoral origins as a neighborhood of family farms, two levels of green space open to the waterfront. Terraces are framed by a collection of common spaces. Above them, the towers are linked by an amenity bridge looking over the Manhattan skyline. Altogether, Greenpoint Landing aims to be a platform for living: connecting past and future, indoor and outdoor, urban streetscape and waterfront.








剖面图     模型示意图     模型示意图

建筑师:   OMA
面积:   860700平方英尺
年份 :2022年
摄影师:Jason O39;Rear,Floto+Warner
能源与环境设计 :Cosentini Associates
建筑工程:Cosentini Associates

结构工程师:DeSimone Consulting Engineers

景观设计师:James Corner Field Operations

室内设计师:Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners LLP

照明设计:Focus Lighting

声学设计:Cerami Associates
土木工程:Langan Engineering

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武侯区内双楠,一个凝聚着老成都辉煌与骄傲的片区。浪漫诗意的浣花溪、厚重深沉的武侯祠、闲适淡然的杜甫草堂,还有热闹繁华的少陵路,大家耳熟能详的成都名胜,双楠就占了一半。 如果说风光景点是双楠的外壳,那么真正沉淀在双楠内核里的便是只属于地道成都生活的情怀与记忆,茶馆里竹椅的“嘎吱”声、街坊们的麻将声、生意人的龙门阵、开水的沸腾声仿佛都在耳旁响起,用时下流行的话形容, 这里就是成都的Old Money生活圈。


经验值 +10