土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 结构新鲜事 \ 木结构住宅公寓:不规则的立面设计


发布于:2022-10-10 10:03:10 来自:建筑结构/结构新鲜事 [复制转发]

HAUT是一座住宅楼,是建造创新和环保高层木结构的原型。该团队——Team V Architecture、Lingotto、Arup 和 JP van Eesteren——建造了一座雄心勃勃的可持续建筑:一座木结构摩天大楼,有 21 层,是世界上木结构塔楼。荷兰的住宅建筑从未获得过最高的可持续发展评级——BREEAM 杰出奖。

HAUT, a residential tower, is a prototype for building innovative and environmentally-friendly high-rise timber structures. The team – Team V Architecture, Lingotto, Arup, and J.P. van Eesteren - built an ambitious sustainable building: a timber skyscraper, with 21 floors one of the tallest timber towers in the world. Never before has this highest sustainability rating – BREEAM Outstanding - been awarded to a residential building in the Netherlands.

由于采用了 73 米高的木材混合塔的新技术,世界各地都对这种可持续性和城市密集化的结合感兴趣。HAUT 在阿姆斯特尔河边的开发地点并没有简单地给出最高的出价者。在评估报价时,阿姆斯特丹市政府还权衡了建筑质量和可持续性。选定的方案是一座 21 层的木材住宅塔楼,是世界上最高的木结构建筑之一。这个创新项目帮助木材作为结构建筑材料重新回到了世界地图上。

As a result of the new techniques for a timber hybrid tower of 73 meters high, there is interest from all over the world for this combination of sustainability and urban densification. The development site of HAUT beside the River Amstel did not simply go to the highest bidder. In assessing offers, the municipality of Amsterdam also weighed both architectural quality and sustainability. The selected proposal is a 21-story residential tower in timber, one of the tallest wooden structures in the world. The innovative project has helped put timber back on the world map as a structural building material.


Sustainability. In contrast to concrete and steel, timber production causes no carbon emissions. Timber actually stores carbon. Moreover, timber is renewable if harvested from sustainable forestry production. HAUT is an example of innovative sustainability in other ways, too. The building is fitted with solar panels on the roof and facade, cooling is sourced from the ground, sensor-controlled thermostats adjust low-temperature floor heating and cooling, nesting boxes for birds and bats, charging points for shared electric cars, and a rooftop garden with rainwater storage.


Hybrid timber. The load-bearing structure of HAUT is made of cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels manufactured off-site, ensuring low waste production and fast, clean on-site assemblage. As there are no standard building regulations for high-rise timber construction, the design team has invested considerable time and energy in technical innovation and safety. Floors and walls are constructed in timber, but a structure made completely of timber in wet and windy Amsterdam would be impossible. Consequently, the foundations, basements, and core are constructed in concrete.


HAUTE Architecture. A benefit of timber construction is that it offers a warm feel and allows for a high level of customization, or bespoke ’Haute architecture’. CLT panels are easily adaptable during prefabrication, offering first buyers options in the size and layout of their apartment, the number of floors, and the positioning of double-height spaces, galleries, and balconies. Unlike most timber buildings, only the inner walls of HAUT are load-bearing, allowing for floor-to ceiling windows in the facade. The irregular pattern of balconies and the pronounced, double-height spaces facing the River Amstel make HAUT’s architecture highly distinctive.

HAUTE Architecture. A benefit of timber construction is that it offers a warm feel and allows for a high level of customization, or bespoke ’Haute architecture’. CLT panels are easily adaptable during prefabrication, offering first buyers options in the size and layout of their apartment, the number of floors, and the positioning of double-height spaces, galleries, and balconies. Unlike most timber buildings, only the inner walls of HAUT are load-bearing, allowing for floor-to ceiling windows in the facade. The irregular pattern of balconies and the pronounced, double-height spaces facing the River Amstel make HAUT’s architecture highly distinctive.

加速度。自从Team V Architecture在2016年开始HAUT项目以来,他们一直倡导在建筑设计中使用大量木材。该项目有助于加速从传统的混凝土和钢铁建筑到木材作为更可持续的替代方案的转变。自从发表了HAUT的设计,Team V被要求在世界各地进行大规模木结构建筑的讲座和参加研讨会,从欧洲、新西兰到加拿大。所有四个合作伙伴——林戈托、奥雅纳、j.p·范·埃斯特恩和V团队——都已成为复杂木材混合塔的专家,并定期与决策者、工程师、设计师、建筑商和新一代学生分享他们的知识。

Acceleration. Ever since Team V Architecture started on HAUT in 2016, they are advocating the use of mass timber in building design. This project helped to accelerate the shift from traditional construction in concrete and steel to timber as the more sustainable alternative. Since publishing HAUT’s design, Team V is asked to give lectures and join workshops on mass timber construction all over the world, from Europe and New Zealand to Canada. All four partners - Lingotto, Arup, J.P. van Eesteren and Team V – have become experts in complex timber hybrids towers, and regularly share their knowledge, with decision makers, engineers, designers, builders, and students - the new generation.

相关性。HAUT是木材高层建筑的先驱。为了赢得这次招标,开发商Lingotto必须组建一个强大的设计团队。第一个电话打给了Team V Architecture。Do Janne Vermeulen(建筑师兼Team V的主管)和工程师Mathew Vola (Arup荷兰的主管)提出了用木材建造的计划:“第一个原因当然是为了建造更可持续的建筑,但第二个原因是建筑。

你可以很好地展示木材,尤其是在室内。在家里,你会觉得木头是一种温暖的材料。”木结构建筑专家Mathew Vola说:“建筑行业对气候问题有很大贡献。大约四分之一的二氧化碳排放来自建筑业。我们使用的木材越多,混凝土就越少,二氧化碳排放也就越少。此外,二氧化碳也储存在木材中。这是一个双赢。”

Relevance. HAUT is a pioneer of timber highrises. In order to win this tender, the developer Lingotto had to put together a strong design team. The first phone call went to Team V Architecture. Do Janne Vermeulen (architect and director at Team V), together with engineer Mathew Vola (director Arup Netherlands) suggested the plan to build in timber: “The first reason, of course, is to build more sustainably, but the second, is the architecture. You can really show the timber, especially indoors. You experience the wood as a warm material in your home.” Mathew Vola, a specialist in timber constructions: “There is a climate problem to which the construction industry contributes significantly. About a quarter of all CO2 emissions come from the construction industry. The more wood we use, the less concrete and the less CO2 emissions. In addition, CO2 is also stored in wood. It's a win-win.”

有意义的改变。在一个有钢筋混凝土建筑传统的国家,木质住宅楼是个例外,因此建造成本更高。Do Janne:“这只是时间问题。如果您想利用更短的施工时间和更轻的施工的优势,只有当它变得更容易实现时才有可能。我认为整个建设链应该更多地意识到这种可能性。如果每个人都更熟悉它,就会更快地选择木材,成本也会降低。”HAUT含有2800m3的CLT,在奥地利的生产森林中大约两小时就能生长。对木材的需求越大,种植的生产性森林就越多。这导致了更多的二氧化碳吸收和更多的二氧化碳储存。更多的木材意味着更少的混凝土。

Meaningful change. In a country with a tradition of building in concrete and steel, a timber residential tower is an exception, and therefore more expensive to make. Do Janne: “It is only a matter of time. If you want to capitalize on the advantages of a shorter construction time and lighter construction, this is only possible if it becomes easier to implement. I think the entire construction chain should be more aware of the possibilities. If everyone becomes more familiar with it, timber will be chosen more quickly and costs will decrease.” HAUT contains 2800m3 of CLT, which grows in about two hours in the Austrian production forests. The greater the demand for timber, the more production forests will be planted. This leads to greater CO2 absorption and more CO2 storage. More timber means less concrete.

独特性。很快就确立了 HAUT 的主要木结构建筑必须按照这一原则进行设计。“尽可能使用木材,必要时使用钢材或混凝土”。Lingotto 的 Gerard Comello:“当然,我们追求最高的抱负:BREEAM 杰出。你必须做很多事情才能获得最高的 BREEAM 分数。在可持续发展领域你能想出的一切,你都必须全力以赴才能获得满分的五颗星。” HAUT 在屋顶和立面配备了 1,500 平方米的太阳能电池板、一个热能存储系统、带有低温地板加热和冷却的传感器控制装置、鸟类和蝙蝠的筑巢箱、电动共享汽车的充电点、和一个带雨水储存的屋顶花园。

Distinctiveness. It was soon established that HAUT’s mainly timber construction had to be designed under the principle; of “timber where possible, steel or concrete where necessary”. Gerard Comello of Lingotto: “Of course, we went for the highest ambition: BREEAM Outstanding. You have to do a lot to get the highest BREEAM score. Everything you can come up with in the field of sustainability, you have to pull out all the stops in order to achieve the full five stars.” HAUT is equipped with 1,500 m2 of solar panels on the roof and in the facade, a thermal energy storage system, sensor-controlled installations with low-temperature underfloor heating and cooling, nesting boxes for birds and bats, charging points for electric shared cars, and a roof garden with rainwater storage.

多学科的方法。建筑师Do Janne Vermeulen:“我认为市政当局应该在投标中更多地使用这些标准。这是为数不多的能够在早期阶段管理质量的方法之一,甚至在建筑许可委员会或分区计划建立之前。通过在早期阶段让市场各方参与进来,并将标准设得很高,作为一个市政当局,你会获得雄心勃勃和良好的结果。简而言之,它提高了实现弹性、可访问和可持续城市的能力。”

Multidisciplinary Approach. Architect Do Janne Vermeulen: “I think that municipalities should use these criteria more   often in tenders. It is one of the few means available to be able to manage quality in an early phase, even before a building permit committee or zoning plan has been established. By involving market parties at an early stage and setting the bar very high as a municipality, you get ambitious and good results. In short, it increases capacity to realize a resilient, accessible, and sustainable city.”


建筑师:Team V Architecture

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