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一处朴拙民宿,楹诺 · 小半湾

发布于:2022-08-30 09:08:30 来自:装修设计/家装设计 [复制转发]







Shuichi Yoshida once said, "As long as you spend a long time in a daze on a park bench, you will find that things like scenery can only be seen consciously." Innobay stopped the time, slowed down the hurried pace of the travelers, and guided them to observe the neglected scenery on the road, such as trees and flowers, mountains and moon.

Like a pearl standing on the Gulf of Dapeng, the white appearance is clean, simple and pure, but with the power of sanctification, Innobay creates a secret leisure area for guests from afar. Fusion Design concentrates on precipitation, fusion of wabi-sabi and European style, and uses artistic design to polish the flow of time, awakening people's deep-seated ideals and pursuits.


解构 · 叠级  
Deconstruction · Layer upon layer  


“Architecture is a scientific art that uses structure to express ideas.”


The original Innobay was a European-style building, and its unique double-curved plane form put forward the dual demands of artistic and scientificity in the construction of the architectural structure. Based on this, the designer worked hard on the facade of the building and chose a cascading building structure. The entire building is built like Lego, and the decreasing area from bottom to top demonstrates the aesthetics of architectural design while perfectly interpreting the rational planning of structural engineering.

The cascading design expands people's horizons to a greater extent, like an invitation to nature, welcoming the setting sun and the sparkling sea into the room. The open balcony space and large area of floor-to-ceiling windows eliminate the boundaries between indoor and outdoor, which seems to expand the boundary of the environment infinitely, and at the same time open up people's mood. Architecture is integrated into nature, and people take the initiative to become a part of nature.

侘寂 · 心境
Wabi-sabi · Mind and emotion
The internal layout of the room is more simple and unpretentious, showing the concept of returning to the basics and creating a sense of quiet and high quality.

The designer uses texture paint and wood as the main materials of the interior space to create a rough and original feeling in the atmosphere of nature and wabi-sabi. While highlighting the texture of the material, it creates a more comfortable and relaxing private field.

The line of sight follows the flow of light and shadow to the sea, incorporating the sparkling light into the entire room. Under the reflection of the natural scenery, the rustic room also reveals some soft and charming. Looking out, the waves gently undulate, and the sea salt-scented breeze softly blows towards the tourists, as if it is the embrace of the sea. Around the house, tropical green plants, rattan furniture, textile pillows, original island stones, together with log furniture, decorate the unique texture of the space. Both inside and outside are landscapes, independent, yet integrated.


In the extended balcony space, a huge leisure pool is set up. Whether it is taking pictures or bathing in the moonlight, it is a fascinating choice. “Drunk, he knows not the sky is afloat in the water. A boat laden with sweet dreams weighs down the Milky Way.” Under the sky full of stars, rest for a while in the rippling waves, the touch of the sea breeze and the singing of the waves create a hazy dream. In the rainy weather, in the patters of light rain, the world is silent for a moment, in the solitary tranquility and contemplation, people will touch the breath of the whole world and their own heartbeat.

艺术 · 回环
Art · Back and forth
Innobay’s corridor is another kind of space. People enter the realm of art as soon as they step in. “Aria Sul G” seems to sound softly along with the pace. In the infiltration of this atmosphere, anxiety or fatigue is soothed and calmed.

Based on the original European characteristics of the entire building, the designer referred to the medieval European church style in the design of the corridor, removing the sharpness of the Gothic vault, leaving a soft curve reciprocating and staggering.

The regular and slack interweaving constructs a spatial sequence with a sense of vacation. Staggered wall lights illuminate soft lights, connecting new spatial dimensions in the sequence. The brightness of the light, the deepness of the cement and the warmth of the wood are superimposed on each other in the space, elevating the overall atmosphere of art to a new level.

霓彩 · 光影  
Rainbow · Light and shadow  


Stairs are the link of space, connecting up and down to build a continuous and stable structural order. The designer draws inspiration from the Chinese-style patio, dismantles the stair ceiling structure, reconstructs the skylight through design, and introduces natural skylight. Under the physical effects of refraction and reflection, the entire staircase will show different colors at different times.

Daylight is like water, passing through the dreamy rainbow skylight, flowing down the deep and moist pearlescent color. The smell of rosemary after steaming is imitated in the air, and the whole space is immersed in an illusion beyond reality. The air seems to be filled with the smell of rosemary after transpiration, and the whole space is too beautiful to be in the real world.

The pouring light is not floating on the skin of the person, but actively occupying the body. At this time, the body is just a canvas of art, but in the process of unconsciously blending with the space, it gains a hazy and blurred beauty. The comfort, culture and sentiment created by the design have reached a high degree of unity at this moment.

The overall structure of the stairs is also very particular. The edges of the stairs are straight lines, while the corners of the bends are left with a slight curvature by the designer. Looking from the bottom to the top, the regular square blocks are stacked in staggered layers, but in the limited field of vision at the top, a spiral-shaped extension appears surprisingly. Just wait for you to follow your heart and you may lead to a new world.

赏味 · 清欢
Taste ·  Pure and delight

The unique geographical environment gives Innobay rich “seafood”. Fusion Design combines taste and space to create a "feast for taste buds" in the seaside area below the resort.

The rattan seats, wooden square tables, local stone and green plants all show a strong tropical atmosphere. Together with the outdoor sunset and the candlelight on the tabletop, it lights up the entire space and creates a relaxing holiday atmosphere.

After a meal, you can enjoy a special cocktail and leaning outside to enjoy the sunset. Time passes slowly in the ups and downs of the waves, experience and comprehend in this process, you will eventually understand that the most ordinary life is often the most precious.



项目名称 |  楹诺·小半湾

项目地点  |  中国深圳

建筑改造  |  蜚声设计

硬装软装  |  蜚声设计

主案设计 |  文志刚   

设计团队 |  姚尧梦越、黄楠

软装团队  |  王晨曦、陈洁雯、胡建美、苗慧

设计面积 |  2000㎡

项目文案 |  陈芊

项目摄影 |  欧阳云-隐象建筑摄影

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卫生间是家里占面积相对最小的封闭空间,但是却承担一家人起居生活的诸多功能,所以在设计上,一向也是装修的重中之重。 不同的卫生间,有不同的设计规划,飞墨君今天单挑一个 正方形卫生间 和 小伙伴们唠唠如何设计~      


经验值 +10