前言 . 浪漫主义续篇
▲ 酒店主立面
01. 设计立意「 掬水望月 」 | Design concept
“ Scoopingthe water, the moon is in my hand; Playing with flowers, my dress is full ofscent. “ From Moon Over the Spring Mountain by Yu Liangshi, a poetof the Tang Dynasty. This poem describes the joy of watchingthe moon in the mountains on a spring night. The feeling of being at ease andcarefree in it is the atmosphere we hope to create in this project.
▲ 月影水院
▲ 月影水院黄昏景
The hotel consists of two buildings. We createda sea between two buildings, and the "moon" is suspended above thesea. Weuse architecture and space to create a traditional and innovative artisticconception of " As the bright moon shines over the sea; Fromfar away you share this moment with me.”
▲ 连接场地流线的 月影水院 ▲ 墙上明月
02. 对话场地—重塑胜景 | R eshape the scene
In resort hotel design, we focus on the shapingof vacation scenes.When the space and the site reach a correspondingrelationship, a different space situation can be created. Just at the entrance of the hotel starts from a dome, andthe spiraling stairs extend to the distance, so the picturesque scene can makepeople look forward to it.
▲ 月影客房
Inside the "Full Moon" is a guest room, and the"Full Moon" is the viewfinder of the guest room looking towards thecourtyard. You can read a book under the moon, or you cantake a soothing bath to wash away the tiredness of the journey.
03. 寄情山水的度假散文诗 |Like a poem
空间越往高处,视野越渐高远,透过 270 °落地玻璃将苍山洱海收入眼底。 大理的四季与昼夜的变幻才是空间的主角。
05. 技术图纸 | Technical Drawings
▲轴测图 Axonometric drawings ?Usual Studio
▲总平面图 Master Plan ?Usual Studio
▲B5一层平面图 The Ground Floor Plan ?Usual Studio
▲B5三层平面图 The Third Floor Plan ?Usual Studio
▲B6四层平面图 The Fourth Floor Plan?Usual Studio
建筑面积 :1800㎡
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代尔夫特理工大学的新教学楼Echo由于学生人数的增长,学校对教学空间的需求变大,代尔夫特理工大学新的教学楼Echo旨在满足这所学校对灵活的教学空间的需求。 这座充满活力的院系间建筑提供了各种各样的教室,分别对应不同的教学方法和学习方式。作为这所大学最具可持续性的建筑,这座校园建筑将有助于该大学在2030年前创造一个完全可持续的校园。 UNStudio与Arup和BBN合作完成Echo这个项目,创造了一个支持不同教育类型和教学方法的教学楼,一个以使用者的适应性和幸福为中心的可持续建筑。
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