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中国园林·刊首语(2022-08) | 王向荣:城市中的野性自然

发布于:2022-08-09 08:58:09 来自:园林景观/园林景观资料库 [复制转发]


Vol. 38  2022-08 | 320



Wild Nature in City









In order to serve the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the century-old Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway was transformed into a high-speed railway and moved underground in the urban section. After the railway entered the ground, volunteer herbs, shrubs and trees continued to germinate along the closed former railway line. Although the time passed just four years and the soil was extremely poor, under the action of natural forces, the volunteer vegetation has basically covered both sides of the railway. The surface of the land has become more and more lush, and the species of plants have become increasingly abundant. The former railway has become a wild natural area in the city. I wonder if the upcoming Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway Site Park will selectively preserve some native vegetation and some naturally derived areas along the railway line, so as to make a natural and wild ecological corridor in the city?

There are always some abandoned lands in cities for various reasons. As long as sunlight and precipitation can be received, plants will germinate and grow on these lands, and corresponding communities will be derived to form natural habitats with rich species. The continuous growth and succession of volunteer plants is actually a process of rewilding in a specific area of the city, and it is a process in which nature in a wild state gradually returns to the land.

These volunteer plants are the results of natural selection and survival of the fittest. In the natural state, plants grow freely and compete with each other, thus forming a community structure suitable for the environment and a dynamically changing ecosystem, with strong environmental adaptability and resilience. This type of ecosystem has the ability of self-sustaining, constant evolution and continuous improvement, and is the most stable ecosystem in city that is closest to the original state.

A stretch of volunteer plants generally can only grow arbitrarily on the land that is inaccessible to people. People usually think that the wild nature in city is messy, disordered, dilapidated and negative, full of threats and uncertainties. The cluttered wild land seems to be incompatible with the convenient and comfortable urban life and clean and bright urban scenery that we are pursuing. Many city managers also feel that the wild nature detracts from the environmental quality of the city, and there are certain difficulties in management. Therefore, once people pay attention to, transform and utilize this land again, the volunteer vegetation on the site is usually eradicated, and even if it is converted into urban green space, the volunteer plants are often replaced by carefully selected ornamental plants.

From the perspective of the evolution of the relationship between city and nature, the process of urban development is the process of the city gradually moving away from the wild nature. Therefore, it is not easy to see wild natural areas with a certain area in cities, because it is difficult for people to accept the appearance of such wild places in modern cities. The chance for this kind of wild nature in city to survive is that, in addition to continuing its ecological functions, the land can also meet the needs of citizens, demonstrate historical and cultural significance, and conform to people’s aesthetic habits, so as to function the comprehensive ecological, social, economic, cultural and aesthetic value. Just like the "Starting Area from Wudaokou to North Fourth Ring Road" section of Jingzhang Railway Site Park completed in 2019, the design team retained the native vegetation in the site to a considerable extent, and at the same time added a large number of herbs. The planting method of simulating the natural community transforms the abandoned land along the 800m-long railway line into an urban public space and ecological corridor full of natural wildness and historical accumulation.

There is a need for wild authentic nature in cities, because wild nature dominated by natural processes is more efficient than those carefully crafted, constructed and managed urban green spaces in maintaining and improving the urban ecological environment, providing suitable habitats for native animals and plants, and enriching urban habitat types and species diversity. Although the wild nature in city is relatively rare, and there is great uncertainty as to whether it can be preserved, the conditions for the germination and reproduction of volunteer plants inspire us that, if human beings can actively reduce the intervention, a piece of wild nature will gradually be derived from the land. If we can further create more suitable soil, water, light and provenance conditions for the growth of various plants through reasonable artificial measures, we can further promote the growth and succession of wild nature and accelerate the establishment of a healthy ecosystem.

Therefore, the way to achieve more wild natural areas in city is to shape the habitats suitable for the growth of different plants through certain artificial measures in the spaces with low use intensity throughout the city and in some areas of the park green space, select plants with reference to the species composition of the zonal natural plant community, build a quasi-natural community structure, and then hand over the land to the natural process and time. With the help of natural forces and appropriate artificial management, the plant community can be self-sufficient and updated to a certain extent, and evolve into a wild nature that presents the appearance of wilderness and has certain ecological functions of the wilderness. These wild natural patches scattered in city can absorb rainwater, create habitats, increase biodiversity, and green gray infrastructure to a certain extent, and improve the ability of urban green space ecological services as a whole. Most of these low-maintenance, high-resilience, sustainable spaces with natural wildness are close to citizens' lives, providing more opportunities for citizens to get close to nature and feel nature, and also bring natural vitality and wildness to the city.

"People come to cities to live; people live in cities to live better." A complete and high-quality urban ecosystem is the foundation for supporting a better life in city, and such an ecosystem must have strong self-regulation capability and resilience. In the city, we should pay attention to and adapt to the growth and evolution of the land itself, respect the process of nature, and on the premise of satisfying the comprehensive functions of the city, return more natural areas in the city to nature itself, and let nature dominate these lands, let the natural process return to the city, and inject more natural nature and wildness into the city.

本刊主编:王向荣 教授

Prof. Dr.-Ing. WANG Xiangrong

Chief Editor




排版 | 李旻

校对 | 王媛媛

审核 | 金荷仙




3.37 万条内容 · 85 人订阅




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