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幼儿园 小学:15个班级综合体

发布于:2022-06-29 09:17:29 来自:建筑结构/砖混结构 [复制转发]

Jacques Sempé学校综合体由15个班级(幼儿园和小学)、一个休闲中心和官方住房组成,位于 "Bassins à Flots "区的中心,为该区的城市改造做出了贡献。该建筑位于一个拥有旧仓库的地块上,一边是四层(R+3)和五层(R+4)的住房,另一边是传统的住宅区("Echoppes"),该建筑是一个特殊和有特色的城市结构的一部分,带有工业化的痕迹。

The Jacques Sempé school complex made up of 15 classes (nursery and primary), a leisure center, and official housing, is located in the heart of the “Bassins à Flots” district and contributes to the urban renewal of the district. On a plot hosting former warehouses, framed on one side by four (R+3) and five-story (R+4) housing and on the other by a traditional residential area (“Echoppes”), the building is part of a particular and characteristic urban fabric, marked with an industrial past.


The constrained surface of the plot made it possible to create a building of 2,766 m2 spread over 3 levels. The kindergarten, made up of 7 classes, is on the ground floor. The elementary school has 8 classes and occupies the 1st and 2nd floors. This superposition of elements forms games of volume and allows a playful dialogue between the spaces. The two schools are separate but constantly communicate with each other, accessible from a single and duplicate entrance porch, which is completely transparent.


The separation between the upper courtyard and the lower courtyard is treated by a wall in which are articulated glass boxes allow the children to see each other. The architecture of the school group, designed to bring in light, to play between voids and solids, has made it possible to create airy, comfortable, and warm spaces.


The architectural style of the project is part of the industrial history of the district by appropriating an architecture composed of bricks, metal, and sheds. The facades of the building are treated using a matrix inspired by a brick wall made of prefabricated insulated concrete walls. The porch, with a double height, is highlighted by the mesh treatment and the roof takes up the template of hangar roofs. The playground on the 1st floor has a generous courtyard covered with photovoltaic panels.


Designed as a place of life, sharing, learning for all, and generating ties between children, the project marks a specific reflecti on in its context and programming and places itself as a landmark in the heart of this rapidly changing district.

建筑师:BPM Architectes

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我国的奋斗目标是全面脱贫,让全国百姓达到小康水平,如今一部分大城市已经新兴崛起,我国的GDP也不断地上涨,但不可否认的是我国贫富差距、城乡建设依旧有很大的悬殊。为此,我国推出了一系列政策,从而实现全民富裕。 如今吃、穿、行已经构不成人民生活最主要的威胁,国家的扶持政策也放在住的方面。未来, 国家将率先解决部分地区的住房问题,那么准备如何解决呢?


经验值 +10