土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ 极简现代:“波浪式”住宅公寓设计


发布于:2022-06-29 09:12:29 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]

BINST ARCHITECTS设计的One Baelskaai,顾名思义,是Oosteroever的形象代言人,这个新区在历史悠久的奥斯坦德港全面发展。Oosteroever代表了一个大胆的城市发展。这个设计在这个特殊的地点创造了一个具有强烈身份的声明和地标。

One Baelskaai by BINST ARCHITECTS is, as the name suggests, the figurehead of Oosteroever, the new district in full development in the historic port of Ostend. Oosteroever stands for a daring urban development. This design creates a statement and landmark with a strong identity at this exceptional location.


An architecture of undulating terraces with expressive edges refers to the surrounding coastal area, while in combination with the sophisticated materialization a tight detailing it gives the project a powerful, luxurious appearance.

将 "比利时海滨度假胜地的女王 "灯塔区大规模开发成一个时髦的新城市街区的工作正在进行中,随着One Baelskaai的出现,又多了一个新的标志性建筑。因此,在这样一个突出的位置上的建筑,需要一个建筑的力量。

The large-scale development of the ‘Queen of the Belgian seaside resorts’ Lighthouse district into a hip new urban neighborhood is underway, and with One Baelskaai a new iconic building has been added. A building in such a prominent location, therefore, called for an architectural tour de force.


The project incorporates the character of the site, the port, and the coast. The terraces with their expressive edges give the complex its unique appearance and maritime character. The waves of the building go along with the undulating character of the dune landscape and seashore in front of it. Continuous curved glass balustrades reflect light, air, and water.


The materialization also refers to the surrounding dune landscape. The profiled cladding evokes the image of dune grass and wooden windbreaks. This creates an informal resort atmosphere for the residents, in keeping with the yacht club. The sloping terrace bands line the building, creating an elegant bolide. Combined with the natural sandy to brownish-black bronze tones and wooden terraces, this results in an exceptional project with a warm and classy appearance.

One Baelskaai包括78个住宅单位,分布在11个楼层,其中74个豪华单位和4个复式单位。六个商业空间位于底层。两层停车场位于地面以下。项目的总面积约为23,910平方米。

One Baelskaai comprises 78 residential units spread over eleven floors, of which 74 luxury flats and four duplexes. Six commercial spaces are located on the ground floor. Two parking levels are located below grade. The total area of the project is approximately 23,910 m2.

建筑师:Binst Architects

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随着我国装配式钢结构的发展,越来越多的新建建筑选用钢结构。 但钢结构自身固有频率相对偏低,阻尼较小,受到人群同步激振时往往会激发共振而影响结构正常运作,严重影响建筑的使用舒适度。 由于机场对建筑舒适度的要求较高,为达到国际大型机场的标准,机场廊桥舒适度问题是亟待解决的重中之重。 1??调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)的工作原理


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