土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 混凝土结构 \ 碳中和酒店设计:极具未来感的立面


发布于:2022-04-26 15:52:26 来自:建筑结构/混凝土结构 [复制转发]

为庆祝地球日,房地产开发商Urban Villages和Studio Gang揭幕并破土动工打造了美国第一家碳中和酒店“Populus” 。定于 2023 年底开业,拥有 265 间客房的丹佛酒店设有屋顶餐厅和酒吧,旨在成为满足旅行者、社区和环境需求的未来可持续旅行的重要里程碑。

To celebrate Earth Day, real estate developers Urban Villages and Studio Gang have unveiled and broken ground on "Populus", the first carbon positive hotel in the United States. Set to open in late 2023, the 265-room hotel in Denver features a rooftop restaurant and bar, designed as a significant milestone for the future of sustainable travel that meets the needs of travelers, the community, and the environment.

该项目是对世界各地消费者意识的回应,他们认识到并支持影响他们生活和经济的环境挑战。从建设开始,酒店将完全实现碳排放,直至完工后的持续运营。生态方面的努力也将在场外进行,例如最初承诺种植代表超过 5,000 英亩森林的树木,这将抵消相当于近 500,000 加仑天然气的隐含碳足迹,并从大气中去除额外的二氧化碳。

The project comes as a response to the awareness of consumers around the world who are recognizing and standing up for environmental challenges that impact their lives and economy. The hotel will be entirely carbon positive, beginning with its construction, until its ongoing operations post-completion. An ecological effort will also be present offsite, such as an initial commitment to plant trees that represent over 5,000 acres of forest, which will offset an embodied carbon footprint equivalent to nearly 500,000 gallons of gas, and remove additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Urban Villages没有购买不合格的碳循环装置,而是通过主动植树和种树来实现Populus的碳正向状态,以产生切实的影响。



Instead of purchasing untraceable carbon credits, Urban Villages is accomplishing Populus’ carbon positive status by proactively planting and growing trees to make a tangible impact. The structure will minimize its carbon footprint in the development stage using low-carbon concrete mixes, high-recycled content materials, maximizing structural efficiency, using fewer finish materials, and minimizing waste, to name a few. Populus’ ongoing operations will also be carbon positive, so that the hotel’s overall use (operational carbon) along with every guest stay will be offset in addition to the building’s embodied carbon.

建筑师:Studio Gang 和 Urban Villages
  • taobeier27
    taobeier27 沙发


    2022-04-26 16:29:26

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