土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 经典办公:立面的处理手法


发布于:2021-12-21 10:16:21 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

索尔福德的棉织传统是 Make Architects 在三新贝利设计的高度灵活的商业办公楼背后的灵感来源。

Salford’s cotton-weaving heritage was the inspiration behind the Make Architects’ designed, highly flexible commerc ial office building at Three New Bailey.

该方案重新诠释了当地 19 世纪仓库建筑的红砖,采用一系列独特的红砖编织立面处理,赋予建筑独特的个性并对其进行庆祝。

The scheme has reinterpreted the red brick of the local 19th-century warehouse architecture, with a range of distinctive red brick weave facade treatments that give the building its identity and celebrates it.


Three New Bailey is a gateway building on the Salford Central masterplan site. It has transformed a former surface car park and brownfield site into a thriving mixed-use destination, blending office and residential buildings around the River Irwell. As the first building to greet passengers exiting Salford Central train station, Three New Bailey establishes a strong but quiet presence fronting a new piazza. It was delivered for the Government Property Agency, specifically to become a new regional hub for Revenue and Customs.

该建筑的简单而诚实的形式是直接响应 HMRC 简报而创建的,它提供了大型、高效、重复的楼层跨度,并带有侧芯,以最大限度地灵活地满足他们今天和未来的工作场所需求。

The building’s simple and honest form was created in direct response to the HMRC brief and provides large, efficient, repeating floor spans with a side core to maximise flexibility in achieving their workplace needs for today and the future.

高度铰接的立面有助于打破七层高、14,733m2建筑的正交质量,并创造深度、运动和趣味。与砖块承包商 Thorp 密切合作,将编织元素应用于立面的技术研究和创新导致了两种编织类型的选择:短立面的篮式编织和长立面的斜纹编织,表达了整个建筑的微妙变化。提案的集结。弯曲的角板和玻璃有助于高程之间的过渡。

The highly-articulated facade helps to break up the orthogonal mass of the seven-storey, 14,733m2building, and creates depth, movement, and interest. Working closely with brick contractor Thorp on technical research and innovation into the application of woven elements to the facade resulted in the selection of two weave types: a basket weave to the short elevations and a twill weave to the long elevations which articulate a subtle variation across the proposal’s massing. Curved corner panels and glazing help the transition between elevations.


To emphasise the reading of the weave, vertical and horizontal facade elements are treated independently. Horizontal elements are formed with a ribbed and stacked red brick bond to emphasise the horizontal grain and maximise contrast with the vertical red brick elements laid in a stretcher bond.

视觉运动和兴趣是通过立面元素在水平和垂直砖立面面板中远离玻璃线的投影形成的。包层从玻璃线伸出最多 400 毫米到最少 100 毫米。这种 300 毫米的深度变化旨在捕捉和强调光穿过立面的传递,产生在建筑物表面上播放的阴影,进而揭示编织。

Visual movement and interest are formed through the projection of facade elements away from the glazing line, in both the horizontal and vertical brick facade panels. The cladding is set out to project between a maximum of 400mm and a minimum of 100mm from the glazing line. This 300mm variation in depth seeks to capture and accentuate the passing of light across the facade, generating shadows that play across the surface of the building and, in turn, reveal the weave.


The roof level has a different treatment, with a distinctive perforated screen made of open Flemish bond, hit-and-miss brick panels to control views of the plant. Infilled Flemish hit-and-miss panels are also used on the core, providing a detailed brick pattern and texture to add grain to the facade.


The scheme offers a generous journey through the building, from a double-height entrance that invites visitors into a spacious and active lobby, with well-chosen materials to indicate the subtle quality and the red brick soffit and the internal spandrel panels bringing the external architectural language into the building.


建筑师:Make Architects

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2021年是我国 创建造园组(园林专业) 70周年、风景园林学专业升为一级学科10周年,亦逢中国工程院院士、北京林业大学教授孟兆祯89岁寿辰和从教65周年。作为中国风景园林学界的“一代宗师”,他无论是在教书育人、学术研究还是规划设计领域均取得了重要成就,蜚声海内外,桃李满天下。10月,孟兆祯学术成就展在京举办。


经验值 +10