土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 日本大型建筑改造:巨大的玻璃屋顶覆盖一个没有柱子的空间——新宿住友大厦


发布于:2021-11-16 15:50:16 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

新宿住友大厦建于1974年,位于东京西新宿区。该基地广阔的“Sankaku Hiroba”(三角形广场)中庭屋顶,以及相关的翻新,为解决日本城市的一个新兴问题提供了一个可持续的模式:如何使用良好的维护实践对大型建筑进行改造。该项目也代表了社会更大的努力,以活跃城市商业区,并提高其作为一个可访问的聚会场所的价值。

The Shinjuku Sumitomo Building was built in 1974 in Tokyo’s Nishi Shinjuku district. The site’s expansive “Sankaku Hiroba” (triangular plaza) atrium roof, along with associated renovations, offers a sustainable model for addressing an emerging problem for Japan’s cities: how to carry out renovation projects on large-scale buildings using good maintenance practices. The project also represents a greater societal effort to enliven the urban business district and enhance its value as an accessible gathering place.


Creating a Lively Public Space in the Business District - The building’s construction was a venture into the unknown, so to speak, made possible through innovation and new technologies for tackling numerous challenges. By the early 2000s, nearly 30 years since its completion, the Nishi Shinjuku area had matured as a business district and faced the challenge of how to invigorate an increasingly diverse city.


To that end, Shinjuku’s public and private sectors joined hands in a reorganizing effort that is finally bearing fruit. Among them is the public space built in the privately-owned area of the building’s outdoor plaza, covered with a massive glass roof. Hopes are high that this indoor space will spark a transformation of metropolitan Shinjuku into a more lively and appealing city. The project is more than a mere makeover; it shows the great potential of such high-rise renovations that aim for urban functionality and value enhancement to meet the demands of a new era.


Renovating a High-Rise Still in Use - This project was undertaken while the building remained in use. Construction of the glass roof was performed concurrently with major repair work. The huge steel-structured roof (L:140m, W:90m, H:25m) covers a central space devoid of columns. Expansion joints were used above ground so the roof could be structurally independent. Roof-supporting columns were strategically concentrated along the site’s perimeter and the existing periphery in order to minimize the effects on facility renewal and other activities.


Concurrent with the construction of the roof, seismic retrofitting was performed on the entire building to better counter earthquake-related effects and vibration. Using the building’s existing equipment balconies, second-floor inertial rotary damping tubes were installed to connect up to the 49th floor in order to absorb the building’s kinetic energy. All of the tasks were performed without disturbing the building’s exterior or office workspaces.


Inheriting the Landscape & Redesigning the Legacy - The Shinjuku Sumitomo Building has long been affectionately called the “Sankaku (triangle) Building,” both for its distinctive outward appearance and for its striking interior and exterior detail. For this project, new spaces that respect the legacy landscape were redesigned. For example, red granite formerly used in the exterior (now no longer mined) was reused in the walls of the vehicle entrance. Bricks from the former outer wall design (inspired by the Yodobashi Purification Plant’s brick motif) were “recreated” using laminated bricks that integrate air conditioning, sound deadening, and wall greenery functions.


建筑师:Nikken Sekkei
面积:180195 m2

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    呱哥 沙发
    2021-11-16 21:53:16

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    呱哥 板凳
    2021-11-16 21:42:16

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