土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 漂浮的木船——日本展览馆设计


发布于:2021-08-10 09:28:10 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

有明体操中心 "漂浮在湾区的木船"--有明体操中心的设计分两个阶段进行;最初是作为临时的国际体育比赛设施,然后在拆除临时观众席后,它将被改造成一个永久性的展览馆。该设施的一个独特之处在于它在整个建筑中广泛而大量地使用了木材。

The Ariake Gymnastics Centre “A Wooden Vessel Floating in the Bay Area" - The Ariake Gymnastics Centre is designed to function in two phases; initially as a temporary international sports competition facility, then, after taking out the temporary spectator stands, it will be converted into a permanent exhibition hall. A unique feature of this facility is its extensive and generous use of timber throughout the building.

这是对2020年东京奥运会和残奥会候选文件中宣布的 "林木设施 "和 "可持续性 "的积极实现。材料的选择也是为了表达这个曾经是木材储存池的地区的记忆。基于 "漂浮在海湾地区的木船 "的建筑概念,木材被尽可能地使用,特别是在屋顶框架结构、外墙、观众席、外墙等方面,同时仔细考虑木材在每个应用中的特性。

This is a positive realization of "wooded facilities" and "sustainability" announced in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic candidature file. The material was also selected to express the memory of this district which was once a timber storage pond. Based on the architectural concept of “a wooden vessel floating in the bay area," timber is used wherever possible, specifically in the roof frame structure, facade, spectator seats, exterior walls, etc. while carefully considering the characteristics of wood in each application.



The arena ceiling is supported by a wood frame designed to reduce the weight of the overall structure. The concourse space, where spectators approach the arena, is intentionally placed outdoors. The wood facade takes into account acoustic and thermal insulation properties. Function, structure, and space are tightly combined to achieve beauty and richness in simplicity, which is the essence of Japanese traditional wood architecture that we hope spectators and athletes from all over the world will experience.



Expansive Semi-Outdoor Public Space Well Suited to the Bayside Setting - The site is located in the midst of a vast, wide-open landscape along a canal. Yet the design also needed to take into account the residential environment of the medium-rise and high-rise condominium buildings in the vicinity. The horizontally long and flowing lines were achieved by keeping the building height as low as possible, reducing the overall volume and controlling the height of the eaves. By positioning the circulation concourse on the outside of the building and creating an open and broad approach space, the design attempts to avoid the impenetrable exterior typically found on large-scale sports facilities created by the monolithic walls.




Realize a Large Wooden Space Spanning 90 Meters - Lightening the weight of the structure by using wood for the roof is effective for buildings constructed on sites with poor soil conditions. In this project, we adopted a simple structure that uses single members of large glued laminated timber with high heat capacity, rather than trusses consisting of a number of small members, to achieve both fire resistance performance and structural stability. Japan’s first complex structural system using Timber Beam Strings Structure and Cantilever Trusses created a large wood-frame space that dynamically covers the arena.




建筑师:日建设计公司 清水株式会社


面积:39194 m2


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设计:中机中联工程有限公司 建筑创作与城市发展研究院 在满足规定的小学36班、中学30班的条件下,用地情况较局促。场地内东西侧约158米宽,高差40米,南北向358米最大高差52米,山地特征明显,不利于较大密度的建筑布局;其次任务书要求布局400米标准操场,场地西侧边界有两条220千伏高压线贯穿用地南北,因此场地西侧不宜布置教学建筑,建筑面积65890㎡。 学校的发展使得未来学校不一定像学校,可能兼具各种功能,像游乐场,科技馆,体育场,也可能像一个小型社区或一个大公园,一切皆可能。


经验值 +10