土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 330米,日本摩天大楼——商办综合体


发布于:2021-02-20 15:01:20 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]


目前,东京正在建设的 "Toranomonazabudai "地区的更多细节已经公布。"现代都市村 "的概念,总体规划包括三座塔楼,由pelli clarke pelli建筑师设计,并由heatherwick studio设计景观公共领域。

同时,该项目的零售空间将由sou fujimoto建筑师设计。"Toranomonazabudai "地区包括办公室、住宅、酒店、国际学校、零售店、餐厅和文化设施,该项目于2019年8月破土动工,并将于2023年完成。

more details have been announced detailing the ‘toranomon-azabudai’ district currently under construction in tokyo. conceived as a ‘modern urban village’, the masterplan includes three towers designed by pelli clarke pelli architects and a landscaped public realm by heatherwick studio. meanwhile, the development’s retail space will be designed by sou fujimoto architects. comprising offices, residences, a hotel, an international school, retail outlets, restaurants, and cultural facilities, the development broke ground in august 2019 and is set to complete in 2023.

该项目背后的开发商森大厦公司日前宣布,将与酒店和度假村运营商阿满合作,在该项目最高建筑 "A区塔 "的54-64层打造 "区域住宅",这栋330米高(1083英尺)的摩天大楼由pelli clarke pelli建筑事务所设计,而其室内设计则由yabu pushelberg打造。

mori building co., the developer behind the project, has now announced that it will partner with hotel and resort operator aman to create the ‘aman residences’ on floors 54-64 of the project’s tallest building — the ‘A district tower’. the design of the 330-meter-tall (1,083 ft) skyscraper is the work of pelli clarke pelli architects, while its interior design has been crafted by yabu pushelberg.

同时,相邻的 "B-2区塔楼 "的1-13层将有一家来自阿曼的豪华酒店品牌Janu的酒店。该酒店将由马来西亚Denniston公司设计,由Jean-Michel Gathy领导。


meanwhile, floors 1-13 of the adjacent ‘B-2 district tower’ will contain a hotel from janu, aman’s luxury hotel brand. the hotel will be designed by malaysian firm denniston, under the leadership of jean-michel gathy. in addition to approximately 120 rooms, all offering views of a central square filled with lush greenery, the hotel will boast japan’s largest spa as well as six restaurants, and a café and bars for leisure and business gatherings.


'这个概念使我们能够将一个总体逻辑带到一个八公顷的东京片区,同时也为住房、商店、酒店、温泉、学校和寺庙等设施提供了空间,"Thomas Heatherwick在项目于2019年首次亮相时解释道,整个开发项目按计划将于2023年完成。

meanwhile, heatherwick studio is responsible for the project’s public realm and lower level architecture. working with a complicated, irregularly-shaped plot, the studio devised a scaled up pergola-like system to organize and unify the development’s many different elements. ‘this concept has allowed us to bring an overarching logic to an eight-hectare piece of tokyo whilst also making space for facilities such as housing, shops, hotels, spas, a school and a temple within the sections framed by the grid,’ explained thomas heatherwick when the project was first unveiled in 2019. the entire development in on track to complete in 2023.

建筑师:pelli clarke pelli建筑师+ heatherwick建筑事务所




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以色列艺术家zygo和他的创意团队一起计划建造有史以来较大的艺术作品--晾衣杆塔。该设计设想在阿联酋迪拜建造一栋高度为170米的摩天大楼,极具雕塑感和象征意义。 这个独特的项目计划于2023年开始建设,目前正在寻找战略合作伙伴,以确保土地和施工权等。 israeli artist zygo, together with his creative team, plans to build the largest piece of art ever created – the clothespin tower. the design imagines a highly sculptural and symbolic 170m-tall skyscraper in dubai, UAE. it turns the common peg into a new dimension that soars up into the city’s skyline. aiming to start construction in 2023, the unique project is currently looking for strategic partners for securing land, construction rights and more.


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