城市街角形象 摄影:山兮建筑空间摄影
Chinese civilization has always paid great attention to therecord and preservation of history. The archives, as a specialized institutionfor the collection and preservation of historical documents, can be traced backto Lantai in the Han Dynasty. After that, it developed into Jiaku and Jiagekuin Tang and Song Dynasty to Huangshicheng in Ming and Qing Dynasty. It has beenenriched and developed throughout the ages and always been a very importantcultural institution at the national level.
东望远山 摄影:山兮建筑空间摄影
As a type of archives, the Urban Construction Archivespreserves materials of urban construction and collects “the history offortification”. What we concern most, in the early stage of design, is how toexpress this cultural attribute of the Urban Construction Archives in thelanguage of architecture.
"Masonry" As a Design Concept
隔河相望 摄影:山兮建筑空间摄影
City is the carrier of the development of humancivilization, while "fortification"is a construction activity and a process of materialization accumulation. “When the architect built the capital, it was squarewith nine miles and three large and three small gates on each side (two sidegates were set). There are nine north-south avenues and nine east-west avenuesin the city. Each avenue is wide enough for nine carriages (72 feet) passing atthe same time. On the left (east) of the palace is the ancestral temple, and onthe right (west) is Sheji (a place to worship gods of the earth and the fivegrains). The front of the palace is the place where the official worship andthe back is the market with a hundred steps respectively… The Mingtang templeof Zhou people is measured by bamboo mat (nine feet). The south hall is 81 feetwide from east to west and 63 feet deep from north to south… The description ofthe law of "building" in "Kaogongji", the unit ofmeasurement is even accurate to feet, which shows the importance it attaches tomaterialized construction.
透明的服务大厅与上部的办公空间 摄影:山兮建筑空间摄影
Looking back at the history of fortification,we hope to find a simple construction method with distinctive features toexpress the history of city building. And "masonry" is, undoubtedly,the most appropriate choice. On the one hand, This traditional constructiontechnique is still in use today; on the other hand, it represents the processof materialization accumulation and gradual development, which is exactly thecontent collected by Urban Construction Archives.
服务大厅入口 摄影:山兮建筑空间摄影
服务大厅 摄影:山兮建筑空间摄影
Generally speaking, the action of"masonry" is to pile up certain blocks in a certain way to form awhole thing. In terms of traditional buildings, the blocks are usually bricksand stones. While this project adopts "masonry" to imply"building a city". The object of masonry should first be the spaceitself, that is, taking the space as a block. This requires the deconstruction,classification and reorganization of the functional space of the archivebuilding; and further externalizing its public, or private, or open, or closedattributes to form different sizes and virtual or real “space blocks”. Thenbuild them orderly in the right place.
Lao Tzu said: "Chiseldoors and windows to build houses"; we are more like: "Building aspace to imply “city”.
砌块的虚实反映空间的属性 摄影:山兮建筑空间摄影
We hope that the history of fortification canbe read intuitively on this building. Thus, we selected materials that can bestrepresent contemporary urban construction activities: concrete, stone, bricks,glass, metal plates, etc.; they are randomly attached to the surface of the"block" to form a certain sense of disorder and chaos; and trulyillustrate current state of the city.
文字作为信息与肌理 摄影:山兮建筑空间摄影
印在立面上的《考工记》 摄影:行知影像
印在立面上 的 《考工记》 摄影:小流影像
We are inspired by the ancient inscriptionbricks collected by Tianyi Pavilion and embossed the administrative names ofNingbo in various periods of history into seal scripts and then imprinted tothe "blocks" to form an obscure but readable pattern system. Inaddition, in order to increase the texture of the glass blocks and create ahazy interior light and shadow effect, we used words and paragraphs about urbanconstruction in "Kaogongji" and garden construction in "Yuanye"to be mirrored and printed with type composition on two glass curtain walls onthe ground floor and float in the space. Thus, the glass material becomes atexture that can be interpreted, suggesting the function and culturalattributes of the building.
"Masonry"As a Construction Method
主立面形象 摄影: 山兮建筑空间摄影
Creating space is what architecture is for, butwhat we buildis entity. The essence of "Masonry"which is the most traditional construction method can be understood as acombination of basic unit modules. This combination follows the most directprinciples of mechanics. From this perspective, the entire traditionalconstruction system, including the wooden structure system, can be generallyunderstood as a "masonry" system. Meanwhile, the history ofconstruction is also a history of masonry.
档案接收入口的形象 摄影: 山兮建筑空间摄影
档案接收厅 摄影:山兮建筑空间摄影
Therefore, in this project, we hope that"masonry" does not only exist as a cultural metaphor of "citybuilding". While its significance as construction logic is more important.Thus, we planned a set of "masonry" construction rules based on thecurrent construction technology and put them into practice; the whole processis a tribute to the traditional construction system as well.
The entire building adopts a reinforcedconcrete frame structure system. In order to realize "masonry" in itsstructure, we cut the concrete structure of the entire building modularly. Thestructural components of more than three floors, including beams, floors,columns, stairs, etc., are all prefabricated construction. The concretecomponents were prefabricated and cured in the factory in advance with onlyrelatively simple cast-in-situ on site. The accuracy of construction isimproved and construction lead time greatly shortened. Therefore, this projecthas become a major breakthrough in the field of public building constructiontechnology in Ningbo.
抬高的服务大厅拥有更好的视野 摄影: 山兮建筑空间摄影
Then, the retaining wall.
Different from the conventional aeratedconcrete slab, the exterior wall of this building adopts ALC wall panels, whichare prefabricated and assembled. The length of the ALC board can cover theentire height of the layer. Since it has thermal insulation properties, noadditional thermal insulation surface layer is needed, which made the constructionbecomes simple. Another advantage of the fabricatedexteriorwall construction is that the site becomes tidy and the impact of theconstruction process on the urban environment is greatly reduced, since thereis almost no need for wet work and not necessary to set up scaffoldingmaintenance net covering the entire building facade. Meanwhile, the entireconstruction process can be clearly record and the problems in the process canbe discovered and solved timely. We can see that the process of "masonry"is presented in the urban environment in real time.
施工过程 摄影:小流影像
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