土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 城市规划设计 \ “玻璃盒子”外立面——时尚的工厂建筑


发布于:2020-11-16 16:14:16 来自:建筑设计/城市规划设计 [复制转发]


AMDL CIRCLE和米歇尔-德-卢奇共同展示了 "Z-LIFE",这是制药公司Zambon新建成的总部。


Z-LIFE以工作室的 "地球站 "概念为基础,开发并推广新的工作空间占用方式。"地球站 "是为未来的编程做好准备的地方,旨在促进人际关系。

AMDL CIRCLE and michele de lucchi present ‘Z-LIFE’, the newly completed headquarters for pharmaceutical corporation zambon. sited within the openzone campus in bresso, along the outskirts of milan, the project is designed as a flui d collection of workspaces, celebrating the exchange of ideas and skills to promote constant innovation within the business environment. Z-LIFE develops and promotes new ways of occupying the workspace based on the studio’s concept of ‘earth stations.’ earth stations are places that are primed and ready for the programming of the future, and seek to foster human relationships.

在设计Z-LIFE的过程中,AMDL CIRCLE将工作空间整合到一个曾经专门生产金属型材的工厂中。



in designing Z-LIFE, AMDL CIRCLE integrates workspaces into a pre-existing factory that had once specialized in metal profiles. within a single building, the studio merges a wide variety of programming, belonging to different times and functions. a glass volume is inserted within the original reinforced concrete structure with a steel frame. this new object sits in harmony with the previous industrial language, both preserving and celebrating the memory of its context. the glass highlights the concrete parts that reveals the building’s history — the juxtaposition of different materials makes Z-LIFE unique in its surroundings, and recognizable from afar.

AMDL CIRCLE的设计团队将Z-LIFE的内部空间组织成一个没有隔墙的空间,以创造一个相互联系和协作的环境。



the design team at AMDL CIRCLE organizes the interior of Z-LIFE with no partition walls to generate an interconnected and collaborative environment. the wide open space is developed along two levels, visually connected to allow the occupants to perceive activity throughout the interior. the open environment allows a continuous adaptation of the spaces according to the changing needs of a contemporary office space. the perimetral glass walls allows for natural light to spread, highlighting the empty space and favoring a positive relationship with the outdoors. the transparency of the outer perimeter is a metaphor of knowledge sharing, in a continuous exchange between the inside and the outside.


地点:意大利 布雷索

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Gensler 搜建筑 收录于话题 ▲   更多精彩 , 点击上面“搜建筑” 关注即可 位于河内新商业中心的Viettel总部是Gensler在越南设计并完成的第一个总部办公大楼。作为越南最大的电信公司的枢纽,这座独特的建筑从统一的城市景观中脱颖而出。 优化的椭圆几何体通过八个楼层相互连通的空间将员工联系在一起,形成了一个高能量的协作工作环境。这包括一个800座位的礼堂,它在建筑内部提供了一个功能性的活动空间。


经验值 +10