一栋充满活力、多层次的文化中心Arter是一个充满活力的文化中心,也是土耳其慈善机构VehbiKoc基金会的附属公司,它汇集了艺术家和观众,以各种形式和标准来共赏当代艺术。 此外,Arter还是一栋充满活力的多层次,跨领域公共建筑,用于展示艺术作品,同时提供了一系列丰富的文化项目来激发和挑战观众。 A subsidiary of Turkey’s philanthropic Vehbi Koc Foundation, Arter is a vibrant cultural hub that brings together artists and audiences to celebrate contemporary art in all its forms and disciplines. Conceived as a dynamic multi-layered, interdisciplinary public building for showcasing artistic works, it offers a rich cultural programme to stimulate and challenge its audience.
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢沙发