土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 大型屋顶,起伏的形式创造出波浪状的景观,“航天港”——日本的一个未来派交通枢纽


发布于:2020-08-10 14:47:10 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

Noiz architects公布了“航天港”的视觉效果图,这是日本的一个未来派交通枢纽,将传统的交通方式与商业太空旅行联系起来。

该项目是与日本新组织Space Port Japan(SPJ),日本电通集团和canaria合作开发的,还包含探索和了解太空有关的所有功能。 


noiz architects has released visuals for ‘spaceport city’, a futuristic transport hub in japan that will connect traditional means of transportation with commercial space travel. developed in collaboration with space port japan association (SPJ), dentsu, and canaria, the project also encompasses all functions associated with discovering space and learning about it. the design of ‘spaceport city’ consists of a series of spherical volumes, each of which housing a different function, and a large roof covered with kinetic solar panels that ‘hovers’ above them.



‘spaceport city’ is topped with a large roof that connects all the different spherical volumes of the project. its undulating form creates a wavy landscape that allows the formation of patios, open-air gardens, and even farmlands in various scales, while providing covered public space for people and other means of individual mobility. additionally, the hub also includes two levels of large plazas – one at the level of departures and one at the level of arrivals.


the entire building composes a small ecosystem with internal smart transportation, including self driving cars, autonomous train, and electric scooters. anyone and anything inside the building, from employees to visitors to objects, can be spotted and quickly transported to any part of the complex. its functions are divided based on security requirements, assuring the highest safety without creating too many visual obstructions.


‘spaceport city’ is packed within a city-scale circular disk that forms a magnificent 5th fa?ade, making the entire complex recognizable from space. a dynamic design of piers emerges from the main volume of the building. families and teams of supporters for space passengers will be able to gather and view the departure and landing from the lounges in the upper floors of each pier.

建筑师:noiz architects


  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发


    2020-08-13 10:59:13

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幼儿园鸟瞰(摄影:黄波) 广西二幼位于南宁市民主路与建政路之间的一条巷子内,被居民楼和一所小学包围。 幼儿园建成前的基地由多栋旧建筑组成,无法满足办学规模和建筑耐久性的要求。 经详细研究后,该项目项目采用了整体拆除、原址重建的方式。 The Second Kindergarten of Guangxi Government is located in an alley between Minzhu Road and Jianzheng Road in Nanning. It is surrounded by residential buildings and a primary school. The base before the kindergarten established was composed of old buildings, which could not meet the requirements of the scale and durability for a developing school. After detailed research, the project adopted the method of overall demolition and reconstructing on the original site.


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