土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 城市规划设计 \ 全新的城市森林建筑——公园“覆盖”的体育场


发布于:2020-08-06 15:07:06 来自:建筑设计/城市规划设计 [复制转发]

该项目将把巴塞罗那的诺坎普体育场周边区域改造成一个占地26公顷的城市公园。这个名为“ nou parc”的项目是由ON-A开发的,目的是引发关于对“重塑城市自然”的辩论。

该方案设想为一个 城市森林 ,而无需代替现有建筑即可实现。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)规定,城市的人均绿地面积应至少为9平方米(97平方英尺)。而巴塞罗那目前只有6平方米(65平方英尺)。

this proposal plans to transform the area around barcelona’s famous camp nou stadium into a 26-hectare city park. called ‘nou parc’, the project has been developed by architecture studio ON-A as a way to generate debate about ‘re-naturing’ our cities. the proposal imagines an urban forest that can be realized without replacing the existing buildings, which are positioned below ground. according to the world health organization (WHO), cities should have a minimum of 9 square meters (97 sqf) of green area per inhabitant. barcelona currently has just over 6 square meters (65 sqf).


re-naturing cities and gaining quality space for citizens is no longer just an interesting idea, it is a necessity,’ says jordi fernández, one of the two founding partners of ON-A. as part of the project, the camp nou stadium and its surrounding facilities would be covered by a new topography that would result in a large tree-populated park. the facilities attached to the 99,000-seat arena would be maintained and function independently below the surface of the new park.


currently, the site is a fenced area with little greenery that separates the neighborhoods adjacent to the stadium. this huge space is regularly in disuse, except for sporting events or organized visits to the private facilities. the architects say that the new green space would not only help connect the city and its residents, but would also produce 15,000 kilograms of oxygen and absorb 25,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide each day.


technology would be integrated throughout the process to control and predict problems such as water supply and maintenance. ON-A worked alongside verdtical, a company that specializes in urban ecosystems, to plan green roofs and vertical gardens controlled with the help of sensors and artificial intelligence. this technology is capable of minimizing water consumption and can adapt to environmental needs. it also provides surveillance alerts and preventive action in maintenance.

ON-A还推测,两个现场湖泊可以收集雨水,用于公园灌溉。jordifernandez继续说道:“我们意识到城市必须重新自然化,绿地为生活带来健康的环境,其中也少了水景的点缀。” “控制耗水量的技术已取得了长足的进步,使我们能够创新和优化城市空间中的绿地。”

ON-A also speculates that two on-site lakes could collect rainwater to be used for the park’s irrigation. ‘we are aware that cities must be re-naturalized, and that green provides unquestionable benefits for health, but the issue is not only green, the debate revolves around blue as well: the water,’ continues jordi fernández. ‘the technology for the control of water consumption has come a long way and allows us to innovate and optimize green areas in urban spaces.’



地点:加泰罗尼亚 巴塞罗那


  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发

    该项目将把巴塞罗那的诺坎普体育场周边区域改造成一个占地26公顷的城市公园。这个名为“ nou parc”的项目是由ON-A开发的,目的是引发关于对“重塑城市自然”的辩论。

    2020-08-07 09:34:07

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“ 当我们想到一个城市时,首先出现脑海里的就是街道,街道有生气,城市也就有生气; 街道沉闷,城市也就沉闷。 ” ——简·雅各布斯《美国大城市的死与生》 想到街道,你能想到的是什么… 一座城市的宜居宜行,与人们获得的愉悦感知息息相关,这种愉悦感知也来自于城市导视系统。而城市导视系统,存在于城市充满活力的商业区,宜人舒适的街道,井然有序的交通空间等多样活动空间中。


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