土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 19世纪的老建筑改造,既保留了历史美感,又极具现代感!!更加高端大气……


发布于:2020-07-23 13:29:23 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

康考迪亚中心(Concordia Design)是一座多功能建筑,位于波兰的弗罗茨瓦夫斯洛多瓦岛(S?odowa)上,设有公共工作空间,活动场地,美食大厅,咖啡厅和屋顶露台。该项目是对一栋19世纪的受保护建筑的翻新和扩建,保留了原有建筑的立面,并增建了具有当代设计风格的扩展部分,为邻近公园和目的地创建了聚集地,也有助于提升游客对该岛屿的体验。

Concordia Design is a mixed-use building containing co-working spaces, an event venue, a food hall, a cafe, and a rooftop terrace on S?odowa Island in Wroc?aw, Poland. The project is a renovation and extension of a 19th-century listed building, retaining the facade of the existing building and adding a contemporary extension to create a focal point for the neighbouring park and a destination that will enhance the experience of the island for visitors.



S?odowa Island has a complex and important history – the existing building is the only structure that remained on the island following the Siege of Breslau in World War 2 – but the island has also become a meeting place for the city’s dynamic youth and its forward-thinking creative culture. With Concordia Design Wroc?aw, the aim was to respect both these features of the location, resulting in a building with no ‘backside’ that opens up to visitors in both directions.




The design is thus influenced by depictions of Janus, the Roman deity of transitions, time, and duality. The form and interior layout of the building displays a certain symmetry, with triple-height stepped voids at the entrances on each end of the building. However, within this symmetry, there are clear distinctions between the “formal” end of the building, featuring the retained fa?ade of the historic building, and the new addition. On the formal end, the entrance space hosts the café and exposed brick walls from the original building.



The informal end of the building faces the park and hosts the food hall. Reflecting the energy given to the park by the city’s young people, this end of the building is transparent, modern, and inviting, with a three-storey glass wall that opens up to the park revealing a large mural by Polish artist Alicja Bia?a. 

“弗罗茨瓦夫最有趣的方面是城市繁忙的公共场所和对河滨的利用。作为这项户外活动的中心地带,斯沃多瓦岛是一个独特而迷人的地方。” MVRDV的创始合伙人Nathalie de Vries说。“ 


“One of the most interesting aspects of Wroc?aw is the city’s busy public realm and use of the riversides. As the heart of this outdoor activity, S?odowa Island is a unique and fascinating place”, says MVRDV founding partner Nathalie de Vries. “Concordia Design’s Wroc?aw combination of a historic structure, a vibrant mixture of creative and exciting businesses, and new attractions working in harmony with the island’s public space will cement S?odowa Island’s reputation as the place to be in Wroc?aw.”

“与MVRDV合作,我们希望创建一个民主的空间来融合不同群体的居民,” Concordia Design首席执行官Ewa Voelkel-Krokowicz说。“我们试图了解这个地方的独特特征,历史和潜力。



“Together with MVRDV, we wanted to create a democratic space that would integrate different groups of residents”, says Ewa Voelkel-Krokowicz, CEO Concordia Design. “We tried to understand the unique character of the place, its history and potential. Both creative communities and young businesses will find their place here – and on the other hand, everyone who wants to spend their free time in a well-designed space, looking for interesting events. From the very beginning, our goal was to keep S?odowa Island open. Concordia has a chance to combine this potential with new needs and attract new users.”






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  • 冰粉世界
    冰粉世界 沙发


    2020-07-27 10:15:27

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  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 板凳


    2020-07-24 10:30:24

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