土木在线论坛 \ 人才招聘 \ 学生专栏 \ 建筑专业英语词汇(I-K)


发布于:2007-07-31 19:09:31 来自:人才招聘/学生专栏 [复制转发]
i beam 工字梁
i beam column 工字梁柱
i girder 工字形大梁
i iron 工字钢
i section 字形剖面
ice 冰
ice admixture 冰掺料
ice apron 桥墩的破冰构造
ice cellar 冰窖
ice concrete 冰混凝土
ice dam 冰坝
ice drift 淌凌
ice gate 排冰门
ice house 冰库
ice load 冰荷载
ice loading 冰荷载
ice pressure 冰压力
ice regime 冰况
ice rink 溜冰场
ice run 淌凌
illuminating engineering 照盲程学
illumination 照明
illuminator 照明
illustration 图解说明
imaginary hinge 虚铰
imhoff tank 双层沉淀池
immature concrete 未凝结的混凝土
immediate deformation 瞬时变形
immersed tunnel 沉埋式隧道
immersion needle 振动针
immersion vibrator 插入式振捣器
impact 冲击碰撞
impact bending strength 冲挥曲强度
impact compacter 冲换具
impact crusher 冲唤破碎机
impact damage 冲火坏
impact driven pile 冲划
impact electric wrench 冲唤电气板钳
impact factor 冲坏数
impact load 冲簧载
impact loss 冲火失
impact noise 冲浑音
impact pile driver 冲唤打桩机
impact pressure 冲还力
impact resistance 冲豢度
impact screen 撞桓
impact strength 冲豢度
impact stresses 冲沪力
impact test 冲辉验
impact wrench 冲唤板手
impactor 冲黄碎机
impeller pump 叶轮泵
impending slough 稠度
imperfect frame 不完全框架
imperfect well 不完全井
impermeability factor 不透水系数
impermeable rock 不透水岩
impervious blanket 不透水面层
impervious core 不透水心墙
impervious course 不透水层
impervious diaphragm 不透水性隔膜
impervious layer 不透水层
impervious soils 不透水土壤
implementation of program 计划执行
imposed load 酌荷载
imposition of the prestress 预应力的强加
impost 窗框的竖框
impounded water 积滞水
impounding dam 滞水坝
impounding reservoir 蓄水池
impoundment 汇水
impregnation 浸透
improved alignment 改善的线路
improved grass 改良草坪
improved land 改良地
improved wood 改良木材
improvement area 改建区
impurity 杂质
in built furniture 嵌墙式家具
in place slump test 现场坍落度试验
in situ concrete 就地浇混凝土
in situ concrete pile 就地浇筑混凝土桩
in situ construction 现场浇筑构造
in situ overhaul 现场检修
in situ test 就地试验
inaccuracies of fabrication 建造不准确度
inch 英寸
incidental load 偶然荷载
incinerator 焚化炉
inclination 倾斜
inclination of roof 屋顶斜度
inclined axis mixer 斜轴拌和机
inclined cableway 倾斜死
inclined end post 桁架的末端支撑
inclined gallery 倾斜走廊
inclined intake 倾斜进水口
inclined links 倾斜箍筋
inclined plane 斜面
inclinometer 测斜仪
inclosure wall 围墙
incombustible construction 耐火结构
incomplete well 未完成井
incompletely compacted concrete 捣实不足的混凝土
increaser 异径接管
increments of settlement 沉陷的增大
incrustation 嵌入装饰;结壳;水垢
indelible pencil 消不去的铅笔
indented bars 螺纹钢筋
indented wire 刻痕钢丝
indenting roller 凹纹压路机
independent foundation 独立基础
independent modern industry 自立的现代工业
indeterminate structure 超静定结构
index 指数
index of cementation 粘结性指数
index of construction cost 建筑费指数
index of liquidity 怜性指数
index of plasticity 塑性指数
index properties 指标特性

全部回复(6 )

只看楼主 我来说两句
  • 1992lxm
    1992lxm 沙发
    k truss k 形桁架
    kangaroo tower crane 袋鼠型塔式起重机
    keel arch 波斯拱
    keene’s cement 硬石膏胶结料
    keeping room 起居室
    kelly ball 凯氏球体贯入七
    kelly ball test 凯氏球体贯入试验
    kerb 路缘石
    kerb roof 顶搂屋顶
    kerf 锯缝
    key 楔
    key block 拱顶块石
    key bolt 键螺栓
    key brick 楔砖
    key for plaster 抹灰底层
    key hole saw 钢丝锯
    key joint pointing 凹形勾缝
    key plate 钥匙孔板
    key valve 楔阀
    keyed beam 键接梁
    keyed joint 键接
    keyed pointing 凹形勾缝
    keyhole saw 钢丝锯
    keying in 用石楔咬紧
    keystone 拱顶石
    kick atomizing pile hammer 打管形桩用柴油引擎锤
    kickplate 门脚护板
    kid 柴捆
    kieselguhr 硅藻土
    kieselguhr brick 硅藻土砖
    kiln 窑
    kiln brick 窑烘砖
    kindergarten 幼儿园
    kinematic viscosity 运动粘度
    kinetic head 动压头
    kinetics 动力学
    king closer 砍角砖
    king pile 之
    king post 桁架中柱
    kink 纽结
    kitchen 厨房
    kitchen building block unit 装配式厨房单元
    kitchen cabinet 厨房绸
    kitchen dining room 厨房餐室
    kitchen door 厨房门
    kitchen fittings 厨房设备
    kitchen furniture 厨房家具
    kitchenette 小厨房
    kite winder 转向斜踏步
    knapping machine 碎石机
    knapsack duster 背负式喷粉机
    knapsack sprayer 背负式喷粉机
    knee 弯管
    knee brace 角拉条
    knee piece 斜撑
    knee rafter 斜撑
    knee roof 变坡屋面
    knife edge loading 线荷载
    knife switch 刀形开关
    knob 球形把手;球形突出物
    knobbing 锤石
    knobbling 锤石
    knocked down building components 可拆卸的房屋构件
    knocked down frame 可拆卸的门框
    knocker 门环
    knot 结
    kraft 牛皮纸
    2007-07-31 19:10:31

    回复 举报
  • 1992lxm
    1992lxm 板凳
    job 工作工地
    job cleanup 建筑工地清理
    job mix 现场拌合混合料
    job mix concrete 现场搅拌混凝土
    job mix formula 现场拌合配方
    job plan 工组计划
    job practices 施工方法
    job site 施工现场
    job superintendent 建筑工地负责人
    job workshop 现场加工车间
    joiner 细木工人
    joiner’s chisel 细木线规
    joiner’s gauge 划线规
    joiner’s glue 木工胶
    joinery 细木工工作细木工制成品
    joining balk 联系木梁
    joining means 连接措施
    joint 接缝
    joint angle 接合角钢
    joint box 接线盒
    joint cement 填缝水泥
    joint coupling 接头套管
    joint cutter 切缝机
    joint filler 填缝料
    joint free 无缝的
    joint grouting 接缝灌浆
    joint load 节点荷载
    joint mortar 接缝灰浆
    joint rigidity 节点刚性
    joint ring 密封环
    joint sawing 接缝锯开
    joint sealant 填缝料
    joint sealing compound 封缝止水合成物
    joint sealing machine 封缝机
    joint strip 嵌缝胶条
    joint tape 合缝带
    jointer plane 槽刨
    jointing 接缝
    jointing compound 油灰抹子
    jointing medium 勾缝填料
    jointing tool 缝抹子
    jointless flooring 无接缝地板
    jointless structure 无接缝结构
    joist 小梁
    joist ceiling 搁栅顶棚
    joisted floor 搁栅搂盖
    jolting table 振动台
    jolting vibrator 摇摆振动器
    jubilee wagon 翻斗车
    jumbo 凿岩台车
    jump 阶差
    jump forms 爬升模板
    jumping formwork 爬升模板
    junction box 接线盒
    junction plate 连接板
    just gap 间隙
    jut window 突出窗
    jute rope 黄麻绳
    2007-07-31 19:10:31

    回复 举报



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h beam 宽幅工字梁h pile 工字型桩habitable area 居住面积habitable room 住房habitat condition 居住条件habitation 住宅habitation building 居住房屋hack saw 弓形锯hacking knife 砍刀hade 垂直倾斜haft 把手hail 雹hair crack 发丝裂缝hair mortar 麻刀灰泥砂浆


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