污水升级改造技术我们现在有一项国外成熟的技术,可以快速提升现有活性污泥系统的能力(COD和氨氮)和稳定性, 例如可用于1B到1A的改造和工业废水处理改造。该技术安装和维护可以在不停车的情况下进行。有愿意合作,请电邮到wastewater@live.cn,留下公司名称和联系方式。 The Apex System, added to existing activated sludge systems, increases the effective Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) inventory of the system without increasing solids loading to the clarifier. This economical, easy-to-install system upgrades a wastewater treatment facility without increasing tankage. The Apex system requires no additional maintenance and installs with little or no disruption to plant operations.
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳